Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Effects Of Bullying On Everyone s Bullying - 1220 Words
Cyril Calaycay D. Armstrong English 10B 05 February 2016 The Effects of Bullying on Everyone Bullying and in its many various ways effects everyone in a lot of ways. A lot of the people are being humiliated and hurt. Victims of bullying commit suicide because people that are being bullied think bullying will not stop. Bullying is a big problem in many countries, it is a problem that everyone can experience at anytime and anywhere. Bullying can be the number one problem everyone experiences in daily basis. Bullies think that bullying is fun. Bullies are the ones that need attention the most. Most of bullies like to bully someone because they want attention or they re bullying because they want to impress someone. Most of people that are being bullied are the ones that are the quiet or shy type of person. Most people that are being bullied are so scared to tell someone because they think that it will only get worse or their scared to tell someone because they think that it would only make them look like a coward. Many U.S. districts have implemented a zero-tolerance approach to handling bullies. Although this may seem to be the answer, it also seems a reactionary approach to such alarming incidents. Schools need to be proactive and find ways to address these issues in the classrooms. Socialization skills and tolerance should no longer be addressed as part of the hidden curriculum. If teachers are ever going to make a difference, these issues must be part of the dailyShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1139 Words  | 5 PagesBullying is an escalated issue that has become an epidemic, it happens in schools, on line, in between genders and can literally occur anywhere. Bullying is the act of aggressive behavior in which intimidation and/or physical harming towards another person is involved. It causes an imbalance in which the stronger person or group attacks the weaker and initiates repeated mistreatment towards the same victim over an extended period of time. In a situa tion where insults escalate and bullying arisesRead MoreThe Good, The Bad, And The Ugly : Sides Of Social Media Essay1264 Words  | 6 Pagesdownside is the negative effects social media gives off. Cyber bullying is more prominent in today s world since smartphones have advanced and 73% of teens have access to them on a daily basis. At least 52% of young people are victims of cyber bullying; all of this negativity on social media leads teens to depression, loss of academic success, and also brings down their self esteem. Serious health problems, such as depression, have been linked as an effect of cyber bullying. This type of depressionRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying On The Person That Is Being Bullied1147 Words  | 5 Pagesstand! When someone is bullying you, they are using their strength to influence or intimidate you or someone else to do what they want to be done. They are this way to people that seem smaller and weaker to them. While some believe that bullying makes a person stronger, it actually damages the victim which can lead to a lowered self-esteem and suicidal thinking. Bullying is bad for everyone whether you are old or young. It has long term effects for the rest of this person s life. There are differentRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Society Essay1687 Words  | 7 Pagesbullied. Bullying is a behavior that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and it recently happens while at school, in a community, or online. Those people that have enc ountered bullying often experience arduous phases due to all mistreatment they been involved in. For instance, bullying occurs in many different ways and affects plenty of characteristics in a all around portion such as; mental issues, health conditions, the features affected by bullying, and theRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Society1060 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is bullying? Google’s online dictionary defines bullying as using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Many define bullying as physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically degrading another living being. Bullying has become a growing issue around the world. The act of bullying can begin with a small eye roll, but within a short period of time it can escalate to abuse. Bullying is an issue that cannot be takenRead MoreBullying Is A Threat From A Parent Or Guardian888 Words  | 4 Pagesa victim of bullying? If you were ever asked what the greatest adversity most teens have to overcome today what would your answer be? In my opinion the greatest adversity most teens overcome today would have to be bullying. Despite all the programs and laws against it, bullying is a continuing adversity for many children and teens as most schools will not do anything to resolve the problem without a threat from a parent or guardian. â€Å"Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.†Read MoreAnalysis Of Sherman Alexie s The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian 1576 Words  | 7 PagesMay 2017 The Advancement of Bullying Within Society Bullying refers to the intentional tormenting in physical, verbal, or psychological ways. Sherman Alexie s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian raises awareness about this common social issue, bullying, through his story about a boy growing up on an impoverished Native American reservation. The novel shows how bullying can leave deep emotional scars that last a lifetime. It s important to take bullying seriously and not just brushRead MoreBullying : Bullying And Bullying1030 Words  | 5 Pages Ms. Filar English 4/ Per: 1 9 May 2017 Bullying While doing research on bullying, I found studies on subject like cyber bullying, physical bullying, and verbal bullying. Bullying is a big problem now and has been in our society for some time. What is disturbing is that school is supposed to be a place where students learn and try to get away from outside problems but sadly some see it as a battlefield or place of survival. According to Webster s Dictionary, a bully is someone who is habituallyRead MoreBullying : Bullying And Bullying941 Words  | 4 PagesThere are different ways to describe bullying. states the definition of bullying is â€Å"unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.†Webster’s dictionary portrays the definition of bullying is to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller or weaker person): to act like a bully toward (someone), or to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force. Vi mentions A personRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Society1633 Words  | 7 Pagesmay be exploited is through the familiar conviction of bullying. Bullying has been entrenched in American society as a relevant issue for quite some time. The word â€Å"bully†derives back from as far as the 1530’s. In 1838, the novel, Oliver Twist, exhibited the first use of bullying within literary work. Years later, in 1862, the first account of bullying was reported. Over one hundred years following this, the first proposition of an anti-bullying law was constructed. As time has persisted, the issue
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Tout dun Coup French Expression Meaning
Expression: Tout dun coup Pronunciation: [ too doo(n) koo] Meaning: all of a sudden, all at once Literal translation: all of a blow Register: normal Notes The French expression tout dun coup has two possible meanings. Tout dun coup is commonly used interchangeably with the expression tout à coup to mean suddenly, all of the sudden:    En entendant les rà ©sultats, il a tout dun coup commencà © à pleurer.    Upon hearing the results, he suddenly started crying.     Tout dun coup, jai eu envie de vomir.    All of the sudden, I felt sick. Though many native French speakers regularly use tout dun coup as above, it is technically incorrect. The originalâ€â€and, for purists, onlyâ€â€meaning of tout dun coup is all at once, in a single movement.    Au lieu de payer en plusieurs versements, jai dà ©cidà © dacheter la voiture tout dun coup.    Rather than paying in installments, I decided to buy the car outright (pay the entire amount at once).     Elle a avalà © la bià ¨re tout dun coup.    She swallowed the beer all at once / in one go, She gulped down the whole beer. Synonym: dun seul coup
Friday, December 20, 2019
Transfer Pricing - 2696 Words
Transfer Pricing An Overview Transfer pricing is a popular topic in management accounting. It is concerned with the price when one department (the selling department) provides goods or services to another department (the buying department). That is, one department generates revenue from the sales of goods or services and the other department incurs expenses from the purchases of goods or services. Transfer pricing is closely related to responsibility accounting in which each department is responsible for its cost, revenue, expense or investment return depending on the type of centre it is. Thus, transfer pricing effectiveness is essential to the success of the overall company. The related key issue is the determination of a transfer†¦show more content†¦Consequently, the determining factor is whether the buying division is willing to pay the market price. If the buying division is willing to do so, the implication is that the buying division can generate incremental profits for the company by purchasing the product from the selling division and either reselling it or using the product in its own production process. On the other hand, if the buying division is unwilling to pay the market price, the implication is that corporate profits are maximized when the selling division sells the product on the external market, even if this leaves the buying division idle. Sometimes, there are cost savings on internal transfers compared with external sales. These savings might arise, for example, because the selling division can avoid a customer credit check and collection efforts, and the buying division might avoid inspection procedures in the receiving department. Market-based transfer pricing continues to align managerial incentives with corporate goals, even in the presence of these cost savings, if appropriate adjustments are made to the transfer price (i.e., the market-based transfer price should be reduced by these cost savings). However, many intermediate products do not have readily-available market prices. Examples are: a pharmaceutical company with a drug under patent protection (an effective monopoly); and an appliance company that makes component parts in the Parts Division and transfers those parts toShow MoreRelatedTransfer Pricing20501 Words  | 83 PagesTransfer Pricing in Developing Countries An Introduction Topics 1. Abstract 2. International tax law its sources 3. Brief history of International Tax Law 4. Who gets the pie? 5. Arm s length principle : Cornerstone of International Tax Law 6. Transfer pricing methods 7. Problems with of source taxation of MNE s 8. 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Transfer Pricing Overview 3. Defining Transfer Prices 4. Arm’s Length Principle 5. Pricing Methods 6.1. Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method (CUP) 6.2. Comparable Uncontrolled Transaction Method 6.3. Resale Price Method (RPM) 6.4. Cost-Plus Pricing Method (CPM) Read MoreGlobalization and Transfer Pricing Essay1882 Words  | 8 PagesMartens 2003). When discussing globalisation, the topic transfer pricing always seem to arise which could be because this multi-nationals trade between themselves and the government also uses transfer pricing. Therefore transfer pricing is used wold wide and could be said to be an important accounting factor which enables the success of a firm due to the fact its set up to induce optimal decision making in decentralized firms. Transfer pricing could be defined when a company trades goods/servicesRead MoreTransfer Pricing Is An Internal Practice2773 Words  | 12 PagesTransfer pricing is an internal practice within an MNE and thus it is insulated against the open market forces of demand and supply. In competitive open markets, the forces of demand and supply would interact to determine the price at which goods and services are transferred. While these forces could have an impact on transfer pricing from a macro perspective, their impact on intra-group pricing can be limited. Larry J. Merville and J. William Perry (1978) identified the various items that affectRead MoreContinuing My Studies and Specializing in Transfer Pricing543 Words  | 2 Pagesof life and encourages to deeply develop the knowledge, in particular in the area of Transfer Pricing. This corresponds with my future objective to be an expert in Transfer Pricing. Nowadays, Transfer Pricing has been the most issue in International Taxation area. The activity of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) which represents a growing proportion of international trade may significantly lead to Transfer Pricing practice, in particular within intra-group transaction where income can be shiftedRead MoreCase study on birch paper company with regard to transfer pricing.1102 Words  | 5 Pagesabove, Northern should accept the bid from Thompson division as it has the lowest cost if all transfer prices within the company were calculated at costs. Incurring the lowest costs would also enable Birch Paper Company to earn the highest profits possible. 2. As alternatives for sourcing exists, Mr. Kenton should be permitted to choose the alternative that is in Northern divisions own interests. The transfer price policy gives him the right to deal with either insiders or outsiders at his discretionRead MoreTransfer Pricing--Market-Based vs. Cost-Based2656 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction Transfer pricing is one of the key factors of a management control system, which helps a company to achieve its goals, including profit maximization and tax minimization. There are several methods of setting transfer prices among profit centers within the same organization. Each profit center tries to set transfer prices which maximize their own profit. The buying and selling profit centers’ profits are largely affected by transfer prices. For example, when a high transfer price is chargedRead MoreMANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS, TRANSFER PRICING, AND MULTINATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS4428 Words  | 18 Pages CHAPTER 22 MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS, TRANSFER PRICING, AND MULTINATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe a management control system and its three key properties 2. Describe the benefits and costs of decentralization 3. Explain transfer prices and four criteria used to evaluate them 4. Calculate transfer prices using three different methods 5. Illustrate how market-based transfer prices promote goal congruence in perfectly competitive markets 6. Avoid makingRead MoreResponsibility Accounting Transfer Pricing - Shuman Automobiles, Inc1577 Words  | 7 PagesResponsibility Accounting Transfer Pricing - Shuman Automobiles, Inc Facts of the Case: 1. Clark Shuman, owner and general manager, plans to retire and relinquished his control over the company 2. Business has been doing good with an emphasis of selling new cars as the principal business of the dealership 3. He created three independent departments, namely new car sales, used car sales, and service department. 4. Salary is dependent on each departments gross profit 5. Upon the take over
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Specialist Fraud Advice And Defence - 1761 Words
Specialist Fraud Advice Defence The law of fraud is stretched across the justice and regulatory systems. It covers many different scenarios and grants numerous agencies powers to investigate diverse types of conduct varying in seriousness, from false accounting or fraudulent trading, to sophisticated commercial crime cases involving vast amounts of funds across multiple jurisdictions. Allegations of dishonest activity must be taken seriously. At Lloyd Platt Co, our specialist fraud solicitors provide tactical advice in relation to compliance, investigations and legal proceedings, using our skills, knowledge and expertise to ensure the rights of those accused of fraudulent activities are protected. Our services include advice and assistance relating to many different areas of fraud, no matter how complex, and cover every stage: Investigations raids; Pre-trial preparations and bail; Criminal and civil proceedings; Appeals against regulatory and legal decisions, including freezing and confiscation orders. Fraud Investigations Prior to a charge being brought against a business or individual, there will be an investigation into finances and assets. It is essential that any investigation is conducted legally, without infringing the rights of those under investigation. This means that procedural rules governing freezing orders, search warrants and subsequent raids must be followed, and that such actions are justified. Lloyd Platt Co’s specialist fraud legal teamShow MoreRelatedTrue Professionalism is Related to a Person ´s Attitudes, Behaviors and Capabilities1266 Words  | 5 Pagessuppliers, customers and employees. Rolls Royce is second largest defence aero engine manufacturer in the world. Being ranked so high comes with responsibility to ensure that all employees comply with Rolls Royces policy called Global Code of Conduct, which documents professional practices in Rolls Royce in order to protect companys reputation and long-term success. However, bribery and corruption charge that has been submitted to Serious Fraud Office (SFO) by Rolls Royce is classic example of how unprofessionalRead MoreThe Computer Misuse Act ( Cma )1792 Words  | 8 PagesThe Computer Misuse Act (CMA)is an act of the parliament of the UK redacted in 1990 as a measure to cope with the new technological threats. Old traditional forms of crime such as harassment and fraud offences are nowadays often bein g committed electronically via computers or the internet.In the last few years new forms of e-crime are appearing, using new technologies such as Denial of Service (DOS) attack and pishing committed by offenders with good technical knowledge in IT. Thus, laws in our societyRead More1 TLAW 401 UNIT OUTLINE 2014 s33601 Words  | 15 Pagesnature and importance of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) and the role of the Australian and Securities Investment Commission. Have in-depth knowledge of their specialist discipline(s). 4 Understand the nature and importance of director’s duties, corporate governance principles, finance and remedies. Have in-depth knowledge of their specialist discipline(s). 5 Engage in scholarly research Reach a high level of achievement in writing, generic research activities, problem-solving and communication.Read MoreRIGHTS AND DUTIES OF INSURANCE AGENTS Despite the extensive use of direct-sales methods like2800 Words  | 12 Pageswhereby, the insured delegates to the agent, the responsibility of deciding both the type and amount of insurance to be procured. However, the Court noted that when agents hold themselves out as insurance specialists, consultants or counsellors and are receiving compensation for consultation and advice apart from premiums paid by the insured, the agent will be liable to a higher standard. The rationale is that the agent, by holding out, has stepped into the shoes of a professional and is no longer aRead MoreBusiness Law I Summary34667 Words  | 139 Pagescomplex problems arising, they use delegated legislation. In this case other bodies or people are allowed to draw up the detailed rules necessary. 1. Orders in Council these rules are made under the authority of an Act by the Queen acting on advice of the Privy Council(an honorary body descended from the old Curia Regis) 2. Rules and regulations these are made by an minister in respect of the area of government for which he is responsible. 3. Byelaws these are made by local authoritiesRead MoreBusiness Operation And Development : Resource Management4040 Words  | 17 Pagesleaves, and ought to pay more for open occasions if representative is taking a shot at open occasion. (3) Holidays (annual and open):- Holidays act 2003 Occasions act 2003 After the presentation of the Employment Contracts Act in 1991, a few specialists in New Zealand without solid union representation lost either their entitlement to have a day paid off on an open occasion or a day in lieu. Besides, in the event that they did work an open occasion, a great deal of representatives lost any a goodRead MoreThe Program Pioneers Of Business Office3997 Words  | 16 Pagesleaves, and ought to pay more for open occasions if representative is taking a shot at open occasion. (3) Holidays(annual and open):- Holidays act 2003 Occasions act 2003 After the presentation of the Employment Contracts Act in 1991, a few specialists in New Zealand without solid union representation lost either their entitlement to have a day paid off on an open occasion or a day in lieu. Besides, in the event that they did work an open occasion, a great deal of representatives lost any a goodRead MoreBusiness Operation And Development : Resource Management4157 Words  | 17 Pagesand ability. They need to pay according to the skills and working knowledge leaves, yearly leaves to pay more for those occasions if representative is taking a shot at some time. (3) Holidays act 2003 After the Employment Contracts Act a few specialists in New Zealand without any support and they may representation lost either their entitlement to have a day without pay for the day Besides, in the event that they did work an openly a perfect deal of representatives lost any a good fit for a dayRead MoreEngineering Ethics in Practice: a Guide for Engineers18096 Words  | 73 Pagesanswers to speciï ¬ c cases but to stimulate reï ¬â€šection. The ï ¬ nal chapter of the guide provides advice on how to take an interest in engineering ethics further, including useful resources and places to go for further 4 The Royal Academy of Engineering 1 Foreword and introduction information. It also lists some further sources of practical guidance, for example, websites, ethical helplines, and specialist advisory organisations. Ethics and the law This guide seeks to provide engineers with guidanceRead MoreAnnual Report Rolls-Royce78484 Words  | 314 PagesreVIew 01 Introduction and highlights 02 Chairman’s statement 04 Chief Executive’s review 08 Our consistent strategy 20 Market outlook 22 Key performance indicators 26 Principal risks and uncertainties 28 Review of operations 28 civil aerospace 30 defence aerospace 32 marine 34 energy 36 engineering and technology 38 operations 40 Services 42 Sustainability 48 Finance Director’s review goVernAnce 56 56 58 58 59 62 63 63 64 67 78 80 81 81 Chairman’s introduction Board of directors The Group Executive
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
International Human Resource Management
Question: Discuss about the International Human Resource Management. Answer: Introduction International business has gained its significance in late times. This significant impact of the trading is recognized in the global market by having a great emphasis upon the trade internationally. Moreover, the business ventures in the global market are controlled by a common body called globalization. In that aspect, the business trading in between two countries takes care of the process of integration in between them. With the impact of globalization the countries involved in the international business take care of the issues raised from the exchange of their views, ideas, opinions, products as well as other cultural aspects across the globe(Al-Sarayrah, et al., 2016). The described process in the international trading is associated with the various factors in between two countries. Therefore in the issue associated to this write-up is the relocation of a manager of the multi-national organization from Australia to handle one of its subsidiaries located in the United Kingdom. In that context, the write-up should involve all the necessary aspects or issues faced by the individual in accessing the human resources management as well as the employment relation in that organization in the United Kingdom(ArulrajahOpatha, 2016). Therefore the essay will describe the fact of global connectivity within the organization irrespective of any kind of impact of laws, cultures and all other aspects upon the working life of the manager in the United Kingdom. When the multinational organization in Melbourne is relocating a manager to manage the subsidiary branch of the organization in the UK, the manager must be prepared to face all the challenges that he or she has to face in the UK. It is because the business, as well as the economical environment of UK, has been greatly affected after Brexit(Baum, 2016). In fact, it can be said that there has been a lot of significant changes in the trading environment of UK and so is in its cultural environment. Therefore the implications regarding the impact of Brexit while working in the United Kingdom will help the manager to deal with various situations in his or her working life. Impact of Brexit on the Business, Economy and Human Resource in the UK Brexit is a well-known action taken by United Kingdom which states the decision of UK for its withdrawal from the European Union. The decision of the UK of leaving the European Union has discrete results. Most of the countries are thinking of to be in favour of the vote for the Brexit Referendum being ready for every kind of issues in businesses, economy, immigration and many more global campaigns. Generally, UK comprises of a maximum percentage of business within EU leaving which will affect both of them(Dhingra et al., 2016). In June 2016 United Kingdom had decided to leave EU by voting in favour of the referendum. With this action, the market of UK gets affected as it is getting imports from EU for several of products. In return, UK is also having the manufacturing plants of several products. Most importantly the Brexit affected the in-house production in the UK. The growth of manufacturing was affected by the emergence of Brexit. The dropping of the production led the decrease in revenue with the decrease in value of pound that has damaged the business(Brugge et al., 2016). But on the contrary, the actions should be taken to deal with such issue is to move production to the UK market which will eventually eliminate the need for pay rising cost that generally the overseas suppliers demand during trading. One of other benefits are the companies that choose UK market for business manufacture then those will be the topmost positions in the UK market as per the revenue who can take the proper advantage of th e weak pound. This will definitely help the manager in dealing with other organizations when he or she will come to UK market. It is because in initial condition Brexit hampered the manufacturing in UK and recession hit the UK hardly. But now UK market provides opportunities to various new businesses with significant value. In current condition, the production method and working process have led the enhancement of profits. In current times while UK is all set to leave EU permanently at that time the cost of the import materials is supposed to increase that developed the business outgoings with an efficient supply chain in UK market(Brugge et al., 2016). Though Brexit has created impact over the businesses that resulted in the rising costs but as a manager, he or she must know clearly about the situation. It is because the situation also offers the condition that offers a chance to re-examine and strip-back for the creation of more efficient ways of working that will be beneficial for the business. Like the business, the economy of UK also moving quite slowly and in return, the GDP of UK faced a sudden negative shock along with a political uncertainty. With the emergence of Brexit, the value of sterling pound decreased that made the economy to go down from growth into contraction in a couple of days. It was seen that in June the growth rate of UK market was up to 0.6% while after the decision of Brexit it came down to 0.2% with a high contraction within the market(Dhingra et al., 2016). The manager must know that before Brexit UK has been in the top record regarding employment, like 74% of employment record and 4.9% of unemployment. But in current condition after Brexit that water mark set by the UK has fallen down and then the damage is widespread. The pound sterling which was the strength of UK economy fallen down by the Brexit effect. On the whole the effects of economical condition of United Kingdom are mostly affected because there been a less amount of trading with European Union. In previous conditions UK goes for exports of 44.6 % to EU and imports of almost 53.2% from EU in goods as well as services. But Brexit decreased this percentage and affected the free trading by making trade diversion that poses a negative impact over the export industry of UK. In that case the other emerging economies like China also affect the economy share of UK upon the word trade. Moreover after leaving EU the inwards investments of UK get less attractive which results in returning of foreign organization within the border of EU. But on the flip side there also occurs the lowering down of the external tariffs raised by EU and after leaving UK can get the free deals without the external tariffs set by EU. Again after leaving EU, UK needs to pay to get benefits from the single markets without which the GDP percentage will come back to 0.4%. Moreover again the decline of value of sterling pound also led the deficit of 4.5% of GDP along with an increase in the rate of interest which decreased the investors confidence. Therefore UK need to make new trading process and it is also planning to join WTO to deal with the economic downturn. UK leaving EU impacted very deeply upon the labour market. It is because UK leaving EU became a big political issue that affected the migration of workforce from Eastren Europe into the UK. This activity eventually resulted into stress into infrastructure, housing as well as population. If it will be considered from the economic point of view at that time it can be considered that after UK leaving EU the labour market will get less flexible and they will get the freedom for restricting the net immigration. Therefore after UK leaving EU then neither the workforce from EU cannot come to UK nor can people from UK work abroad in EU. This will affect the budget as well as economy as a result of labour market shortages. Similarly, the Brexit has also affected the human resources. It is because the HR professional has shown a pragmatic approach for the decision of the UK of leaving the European Union. UK leaving EU affected the employment laws, migration, pensions and job market. The human resource managers in the capital markets, as well as asset management in the UK, generally shown their prospect that business is going quite well even though there is the lack of clarity of the effects upon it(Brugge et al., 2016). Moreover, the Brexit led the curling of the HR plans of hiring or recruitment. In addition, there has been an impact on the attractiveness of job openings in the non-EU countries. It is because Brexit also causes Brain-Drain and create impact over employee communication. As per this context, this context the manager becomes the expatriate in the UK so he or she must know all the implications related to the business units as well as the immigration laws to tackle with the shockwaves of Brexit in the UK(Zheng, 2013). How will the manager work along in the culture of UK When the multinational company of Australia is planning for relocating the manager from Australia to the UK at that time the company should take care of the capability of the employee. The manager in that condition is an expatriate who has been sent to UK who has to deal with the UK culture(Al-Sarayrah, et al., 2016. Therefore the senior management while taking the decision of relocating a manager he or she should take care of few things that will help the manager in getting acquainted with the new culture. When the senior management is taking up the international assignment then they must take care of the knowledge creation along with the leadership development of the manager(ArulrajahOpatha, 2016). The cross-cultural competency and excellence in technical skills of the manager will help him or her in surviving in the new culture. The company needs an urgent emergency in its subsidiary so sending the right person on an international assignment to the UK must go beyond solving the immediate problem. Therefore the manager must properly understand the job role and adapt him or herself as per the behaviour and dressing of UK culture. Dressing in a vital asset to get blended with the people however it is necessary to stay away or alert from strange people as well as locations(Baum, 2016). Another important thing for the expatriate manager is to be confident. It is because he or she can face many harassment or humiliation but staying confident is the best option to get blended with the culture smoothly. In addition, the manager going to relocate must clearly go through the cultures keenly to understand the attitudes of people clearly in the organization for personal safety and security. For that reason knowledge of UK along with its attributes of people is necessary by which the manager can be able to work well in the UK(Bourne, et al., 2013). Human Resources Management and Employee Relations Issues in the UK When any employee goes for an international assignment at that time the employee is going to face many issues. As in this case, the manager is going to manage the subsidiary of an Australian multinational company in the UK will face issue relating to the employee relations as well as the human resources in the new workplace(Xing Liu, 2016). Though there are many issues like dispute, personal reasons, poor customer feedback, delay in work, poor sales and much more. In that case, the most important issues that generally arise are the legal issues, conflict management issues, attendance issues and disciplinary issues(Clark, et al., 2016). The HR professional take care of such by implementing various rules and regulations regarding the employee performance, interest, conduct, and discipline. As per PopaitoonSiengthai, by managing these relationship issues the employers create a structured as well as productive behaviour in the workplace. The issues of the employee relation will sometimes discourage the manager in the new culture with patience and confidence he or she will be able to deal with the problem(PopaitoonSiengthai, 2014). Similarly, the manager will also face the human resource issue of employee turnover in the subsidiary of UK due to Brexit(Dartey-Baah, 2013). In that context, the manager will need either contingent workforce or face the need of expert employees. In addition,Punnett said that the manager will also seek the need of providing training to the existing employees for the enhancement of the quality and standards that will help in enhancing the productivity of the company(Punnett, 2015). Therefore the manager will take care of what kind of training programs needed along with the objective of training. The manager will also aim towards the target groups to tactfully handle the issues raised due to Brexit. Moreover, the manager will definitely also face the issue of workforce diversity within the organization which he or she must control by implementing strict rules and regulations(Dickmann, Brewster Sparrow, 2016). Important Employment Laws and Work Practices in the UK The employment law in the UK is comprised of amendments that ensure the development of labour law of UK. In that case, it takes care of the merchandise manufacture, regulation of workplace relations basing upon the status of the individual in relation to the company. It also engrosses the contract that shows the system of trade unions in the UK(GuerciCarollo, 2016). Therefore as per ThirkellAshma, the employment law of UK includes the employment contracts, wage and hour, holiday entitlement, discrimination laws, paternity and maternity leave and the termination laws along with redundancies(Thirkell Ashman, 2014). Before Brexit, the labour law in association with EU considers the efficient areas that deal with the health and safety and the transfers of undertaking along with the laws for the discrimination(Jun Rowley, 2014). Out of the employment law the discrimination law, family leave, working time obligations, transfer undertaking regulations all are the important rules of European directives that UK government will mostly repeal after UK leaves EU. After leaving EU, UK can retain some of the laws and change some of the other laws. Like for example there will be the imposition of a cap upon the discrimination compensation which is almost similar to that of unfair dismissal. The government will also plan for the removal of well established protection laws like family leave and right to paid holiday leave. Moreover the employment law will face a less amount of change because it will majorly affect the free movement of workers. It will lead to the legal, financial as well as significant uncertainties to the future of UK after Brexit. In addition, the UK legal system also provides some of the family-friendly employment rights for the employees along with the information and consultation. Further, the action of Brexit had its impact on the holiday pay, discrimination law, agency workers and the equal pay(Longoni, LuzziniGuerci, 2016). Similarly, the work practices in the United Kingdom take care of the employees who work for home, incentive pay, pensions to the business owners, recruitment as well as minimum wages and statutory pay obligations. These work practices in the UK changes as per the establishment of new societal values, changing demographics, advanced technologies, and rapid globalization(Wilson, 2014). Conclusion The essay focused on the highlights of the relocation of the manager from Australian multinational organization to the United Kingdom. In that case, the above-mentioned impacts of Brexit will help the manager in adjusting to the new organizational environment in the UK. The facts discussed in the write-up will help the manager in managing the situation raised in that subsidiary of that organization in the UK due to the impact of Brexit. References Al-Sarayrah, S., Obeidat, B. Y., Al-Salti, Z., Kattoua, T. (2016). 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Analysis and Valuation for Introduction- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Analysis and Valuation for Introduction. Answer: Self reflection: Oral introduction theme is a fascinating subject as it upgrades the certainty of our group to exhibit our perspective and the research with the people. This assistance the gathering to deal with the all components identified with theme to show a superior introduction before the group of viewers. Through setting up the present introduction, my team have dissected that this introduction has helped us a ton in improving our insight about the bookkeeping, fund and administration. My gathering have likewise discovered that for giving an introduction, a man must be exceptionally certain and also he or she should have the enough information about the topic so while setting up the introduction, whole audience have additionally worked on the GK of bookkeeping, administration and finance. Different sources have been utilized by us to inquire about on the "business valuation and analysis on the company, Qantas limited. I have evaluated yearly report of the organization, official site of the organization, Morningstar, Bloomberg, and various other scholarly books, news etc about the organization and so forth to evaluate the organization performance and the current position. While getting ready for the presentation, my teams each member has given their best to prepare the best presentation. Each factor and point has been examined by them to improve the presentation. My team has taken the assistance from instructor to improve the presentation and we have additionally taken assistance from the companions and seniors to improve this in a better way. The format of the presentation has been picked after the acknowledgment of each member of the team. The design of the presentation is very alluring and subsequently we as a whole individuals are happy with it. The fundamental quality of our report and presentation is the substance, design and the way it has been exhibited. In the meantime, it has additionally been seen by my team that the less learning could be a soft spot of our group for the report and presentation. Through this report and presentation, numerous new things and significant information has been picked up by each team. This report has helped our team be more certain and through this evaluation, the information of our colleague on numerous scholarly focuses has been improved. I have discovered that there are different new themes, for example, how to break down the money related and non budgetary factor of an organization has been analyzed by us easily. It has additionally discovered that each part is feeling more roused subsequent to setting up the analysis for this point. This would allow every one of us to present ourselves in a superior way before the audience. Through this evaluation, we as a whole have discovered that this report has improved us in various ways. Presently we as a whole are sufficient certain to examine an organization's budgetary and non money related factor and furthermore make interference about the execution and gainfulness of the organization. My team has discovered it a superior method to support their insight and certainty to deal with the execution of ourselves.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A view from the bridge analysis Essay Example For Students
A view from the bridge analysis Essay A view from the bridge has its roots in the late 1940s, this is shown by the speech that they use, the names that they give to certain professions and how they address things. In this particular place, Brooklyn; New York, there were a lot of people who were poorly paid, exploited by their bosses and who were in many cases only recent immigrants to the United States, having come to America in hope of the work, wealth and security that their home countries could not guarantee; such as Beatrices cousins. The Carbones living and dining room is the focus of the action; this may be due to the space in the house, quite small, cramped which meant that they would be in each others faces all the time. At the beginning of the play there isnt much space as it is and now that they are expecting two of Beatrices cousins it will be a little more pressured. Less space will be available for the family and they will have to learn to get along with each other much better then before because of the space available when the cousins come. Also the main action is placed in the living room always. It is sort of the centre of attention in the play, all the important scenes are set in here, most of them anyway, some other scenes are set out in the street showing the public side of the Carbones position in the community, which is important in this play as we see near the end. There is a lot to take in when talking about the background of the Italian/American community, from the following discussion we can tell that the background of this Red Hook community is not one to mess with that there is a general mistrust of authority, especially the police and that informers are dealt with severely: EDDIE: I dont care what questions it is. You dont know nothin. They got stool pigeons all over this neighbourhood theyre payin them every week for information, and you dont know who they are. It could be your best friend. You hear? (To BEATRICE) Like Vinny Bolzano, remember Vinny? Beatrice goes on to describe how the community punished a boy who informed on his own uncle: Oh, it was terrible. He had five brothers and the old father. And they grabbed him in the kitchen and pulled him down the stairs three flights his head was bouncin like a coconut. And they spit on him in the street, his own father and his brothers. The whole neighbourhood was cryin. This story shows how the informer was disgraced, by his very own family, in front of the whole neighbourhood. The Italian/American community is all about family, trust and justice. Alfieri comes into the first act at the beginning he acts as a narrator throughout the whole play coming in through scenes and explaining to the audience what has happened, basically analysing the scenes. Miller uses Alfieri as a connection to the audience; conveys his own feelings and thoughts to the audience through the character of the lawyer, Alfieri. I am inclined to notice the ruins in things, perhaps because I was born in Italy I only came here when I was twenty-five. In those days, Al Capone, the greatest Carthaginian of all, was learning his trade on these pavements, and Frankie Yale himself was cut precisely in half by a machine gun on the corner of Union Street, two blocks away. Oh, there were many here who were justly shot by unjust men. .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 , .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .postImageUrl , .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 , .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:hover , .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:visited , .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:active { border:0!important; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:active , .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7 .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u344fa6414f68b877e77c414c0741c8e7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: An essay on OthelloJustice is very important here. Here he is trying to tell the audience that people sort out their own business in Red Hook and that they dont go through the legal procedures that are usually carried out, through lawyers, courts they head straight for the action and sort their business by themselves. This serves as another warning to the audience of what is to come. Things within the Carbone family are about to take a major change for the worse as the arrival of Beatrices cousins. This is because of the facts that are set out for you before the cousins actually arrive; firstly there is the opening speech that Alfieri makes at the beginning of the pl ay and Alfieris hint at the action rolling on taking its own bloody course. If we look at the three main characters in a more detailed way then maybe we would be able to decide whether what Beatrice said was true and whether we agree with her or not. The three main characters are obviously the members of the Carbone family; Eddie, Beatrice and Catherine. Eddie a caring man described by Alfieri: He was as good a man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even. He worked on the piers when there was work, he brought home his pay, and he lived.
Monday, December 2, 2019
student Essay Example Essay Example
student Essay Example Paper student Essay Introduction Final Exam Case for 2215 December 5 2013 The following case will be used for the 2215 Final Exam. The chapters that will be referenced in the exam from the ORGB textbook are: 12Leadership; 1 5-0rg Structure and Design; 16- Culture and 17- Managing Change. There will be 5 questions worth 6 marks each. Heidi Weigand Chapters ZAPPOS. COM: ARE CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY THE SUPER HIGHWAY TO THE FUTURE? Zappos. com isn’t the first business venture pursued by entrepreneur Tony Hsieh. He cofounded LinkExchange shortly after graduating from Harvard with a computer science degree. LinkExchange â€Å"allowed amateur Web publishers to barter for dvertising by agreeing to publish 1 one another’s ads. †LinkExchange proved to be a successful business venture, but Hsieh became 2 depressed because the work was no longer fun. â€Å"When it was Just five or ten people, it was a lot of fun. We were working around the clock, no idea what day of the week it was, sleeping under our desk s,†says Hsieh. 0 [Continuing, he explains,] â€Å"[w]e hired all the right people in terms of 3 skill sets, but by the time it was 100 or so, I dreaded going to the office. Hsieh increasingly felt â€Å"that the people he had hired were not committed to the venture’s ongterm growth. 0 Work, which once had felt liberating, had become a chore. He resolved that his next company would not be about a short-term payday. It would be about long-term growth, 4 about creating a place to which he and his employees would want to come every day. †5 At the age of twenty-four, Hsieh sold LinkExchange to Microsoft for $265 million. He used the money to help fund his second company, which was cofounded in 1999 with Alfred Lin, a Harvard classmate. student Essay Body Paragraphs Called Venture Frogs, the business was a venture capital firm investing in start-up businesses. â€Å"A few of Venture Frogs’ investments ystem OpenTable?†but as the dot. com bubble burst, most struggled to survive, and some were shuttered. Hsieh had been attracted to investing because it seemed to bring all the fun of start-ups on a larger scale; instead, it became a treadmill of meetings full of bad news. 0 What Hsieh wanted, he realized, was the unstructured fun of a 6 new company. As he puts it, ‘I wanted to be involved in building something. ‘†One of the start-ups funded by Venture Frogs was the online shoe store Shoesite. om, founded in 7 San Francisco by Nicholas Swinmurn. Reflecting on Shoesite. com, Hsieh says, â€Å"It was the most 8 nteresting opportunity, and the people were the most fun. †Hsieh invested $500,000 in Shoesite. com, Joined the company, and subsequently renamed it Zappos. By the summer of 2000, Hsieh and Swinmurn were co-chief executives, and Zappos was operating out of Hsieh’s 9 living room. Zappos grew rapidly and soon was moved from San Francisco to Henderson, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M. Chafkin, â€Å"Get Happy: How Tony Hsieh Uses Relentless Innovation, Stellar Service, and a Staff of Believers to Make Zappos. om and Ecommerce Juggernautoand One of the Most Blissed-out Businesses in America,†Inc. 31(4) (May 2009): 69. Ibid. J. M. O’Brien, â€Å"Zappos Knows How to Kick It,†Fortune 159(2) (February 2, 2009): 56. Chafkin, â€Å"Get Happy,†69. O’Brien, â€Å"Zappos Knows,†56. Chafkin, â€Å"Get Happy,†70. H. Coster, â€Å"A Step Ahead,†Forbes Oune 2, 2008), http://www. forbes. com/global/ 2008/0602/064. html (accessed June 20, 2009). Chafktn, â€Å"Get Happy,†70. Chafkin, â€Å"Get Happy,†70; Coster, â€Å"A Step Ahead. †Nevada, Just outside of Las Vegas. When Swinmurn left the company in 2006, Hsieh became the 10 sole chief executive. The Zappos Culture 11 Zappos. This distinctive culture is built upon a foundation of ten core values that all Zapponians?†the name that Zappos personnel give themselves?†follow in their work lives. These values are as follows: 0 deliver WOW through service; 0 embrace and drive change; 0 create fun and a little weirdness; 0 be adventurous, creative, and open-minded; 0 pursue growth and learning; 0 build open and honest relationships with communication; 0 build a positive team and family spirit; 0 do more with less; 0 be passionate and determined; and 12 0 be humble. 3 â€Å"Defining core values as a company is one thing. Performing them on a daily basis is another. †So, how does Zappos put its core values into practice? First and foremost, Zappos builds its 14 culture, brand, and business strategies on these core values. Developing and maintaining the Zappos culture starts with the hiring process. Tony Hsieh says, â€Å"[t]here are plent y of candidates who would be great individual contributors, but if they are not a cultural fit we would not hire them. we want people who are eager to live the Zappos lifestyle 15 and promote the Zappos culture?†not a typical nine-to-five office employee. †Culture building continues after the hiring process is over. In fact, it is an important ingredient of everyone’s Job. â€Å"[A] passion for having fun is the unwritten requirement n everyone’s Job 16 description. †And annually, the company publishes a â€Å"Culture Book†in which many of the associates explain what the Zappos culture means to them. Moreover, Zappos â€Å"bases half of an 17 employee’s performance review on how well he/she has lived up to the company’s values. Another important way in which the Zappos staff lives the company’s core values is by striving to maintain the firm’s reputation for developing lifelong customer relationships. According to 10 14 15 16 17 Coster, â€Å"A Step Ahead. †Anonymous, â€Å"Business: Keeper of the Flame; Face Value,†The Economist 391 (8627) ulture/zappos-core-values (accessed June 20, 2009). C. S. Cross, â€Å"Dot. com Distribution,†Industrial Engineer 40(11) (November 2008): 52. â€Å"Zappos Core Values,†http://about. zappos. com/our-unique-culture/zappos-core-values (accessed June 20, 2009). C. Gentry, â€Å"cultural Revolution,†Cham store Age 83(12) (December 2007): 32 and 34. Gentry, â€Å"Cultural Revolution,†32. (April 18, 2009): 75. Hsieh, â€Å"[i]f you get the culture right, you don’t need to come up with a policy and procedure for 18 everything. †Technology at Zappos While organizational culture drives Zappos. com, technology supports that culture nd the work of all Zappos employees in delivering great customer service. A prime example of the role that technology plays is provided by the Zappos distribution center (DC ). Zappos has one central warehousing/distribution location rather than numerous regional sites. Physically situated in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, the DC is close to the United Parcel Service (UPS) World Port, the main air hub of UPS in Louisville. This enables Zappos to fill orders less than two hours after they are placed and to take advantage of the UPS late-night pickup 19 schedule. Craig Adkins, vice president of fulfillment operations for Zappos. om, explains the company’s reasoning for having one central DC as opposed to a distributed network with several regional locations. Zappos would have to carry more inventory to spread it across multiple facilities. 0 If we were spread out throughout the country, we would be regionally closer, but we would actually be no closer to the customer than we are now. 0 If, for example, I had a building in Reno, and I wanted to serve my customers in California from there, I can actually get goods into 20 Los Angeles faster from Louisvill e than I could from Nevada. †How does technology nable the DC to contribute to fulfilling of the core value: Deliver WOW Through Service? It starts with the companys information technology, nearly all of which is developed in-house, linking its storage and shipping systems to the e-commerce site through a 21 central database. Inside the DC, all incoming shipments from suppliers are unpackaged immediately and placed on pickable shelves. This helps to make inventory management, product distribution, and customer ordering processes integrated and seamless. Craig Adkins explains, â€Å"There are a million individual SKUs and 4 million items in inventory, so here’s no need for a deep level of reserve storage. If you see it on our web site, it’s on our shelf. If the last item sells out, it comes off the web site automatically. We don’t do back orders. It’s a live inventory system, which almost 22 nobody does. †A recent technological leap forward at the DC was the installation of 72 Kiva robots at a cost of $5 million. The Kiva â€Å"bots†pack 12 percent of the shipped items at the DC, based fulfillment process,†says Adkins. â€Å"The labor costs are 50%, and electrically it’s only using half as much 18 19 20 21 S. Murphy, â€Å"Culture Conscious,†Chain Store Age 83(9) (September 2007): 55. W. Hoffman, â€Å"From Bricks to Clicks,†Journal of Commerce (December 22, 2008), http:// www. Joc. com/node/408765 (accessed June 9, 2009). P. Barnard, â€Å"The New Big Thing: Super-size DCs,†Multichannel Merchant 25(11) (November 2008): 51 . M. Zager, â€Å"Zappos Delivers Service With Shoes on the Side,†Apparel Oanuary 2009), http:// www. apparelmag. com? ME2/dirmod. asp? s23B258090 (accessed June 9, 2009). Ibid. power as our old system. †The Kiva â€Å"bot†system allows the Zappos DC to ship a pair of shoes 24 in as little as eight minutes. The Kiva system is extra ordinarily flexible and can be adapted to other product lines s Zappos expands. The system can be reconfgured very easily, and it can be moved to any geographic 25 location. Craig Adkins describes the company’s experience with the Kiva â€Å"bots†with enthusiasm and a definite view to the future: â€Å"We were amazed that Kiva transformed our new warehouse from bare concrete to fully operational readiness?†with trained supervisors and associates?†Just four months after we signed the purchase order. We’re already working on designs to cube out the 26 building with Kiva’s mobile fulfillment system (MFS) on the multi-level mezzanines. â€Å" This case was written by Michael K. McCuddy, The Louis S. and Mary L. Morgal Chair of Christian Business Ethics and Professor of Management, College of Business Administration, Valparaiso University. C. Steiner, â€Å"A Bot in Time Saves Nine,†Forbes (March 16, 2009), http:// www. forbes. com/forb es/2009/0316/040_bot_times_saves_nine. html (accessed June 20, 2009). 24 25 26 Chafkin, â€Å"Get Happy,†68. W. Atkinson, â€Å"Robotics in Action†sidebar to â€Å"The Future Is Flexible,†Modern Materials J. Teresko, â€Å"Getting Lean with Armless Robots,†Industry Week 257(9) (September 2008): 26. 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