Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Explain How Products Are Developed Essay Example for Free
Explain How Products Are Developed Essay 3.1.1 The product life cycle (PLC). The product life cycle is used for determining the lifespan of products and there are 4 sub stages of product: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. From 2007 until now, Honda Air Blade has become the most successful line of Honda’s motorbike as well as on market. Since it was born, Honda Air Blade has achieved sales of more than 2 million products. This year, from April to the end of September, Honda Air Blade reaches to 274,563 products. (Zing, 2014) This motorbike has brought more profits and impacted strongly on revenue of company. Honda has had the success with this product line. But in the modern world, to be able to compete with the competitors, Honda needs to improve quality, style of products and consider market prices as well as competitors to make a better product 3.1.2. Branding and brand leadership. a. Branding: A brand is much bigger than just the corporate logo. The brand attributes are formed from the efforts of corporation in the process of marketing communication activities and the character of business. Therefore, corporation needs to have an appropriate strategy to release a good PR campaign to make them more attractive than the competitors. Honda has slogan:†The power of dreams†, easily to remember and it has been very famous around the world. b. Brand leadership: The first appearance of Honda in Vietnam is in 1996, until now has been through 18 years and they have always been one of the forefront in their industry. (Honda, 2014) But now, Vietnam’s market has Yamaha, the biggest rival of Honda and the competition between both will continue for a long time in the future. Consequently, Honda has to use and combine an ingenious of design, advertising, marketing, and corporate culture. It will help create brand attributes in the minds of the people and that this will bring
Monday, January 27, 2020
A Study Of Indian Space Technology Environmental Sciences Essay
A Study Of Indian Space Technology Environmental Sciences Essay India has an impressive array of achievements in the development of space technology for various applications. From a humble beginning with a small RH 75 rocket in the sixties to the successful launch of PSLV-D2 with 804 kg IRS-P2 in October, 1994, the Indian space programme has made remarkable progress through a well integrated, self-reliant programme. Eight Indian satellites are now in various stages of operation in the space. These are INSAT-1D, INSAT-2A, INSAT-2B, INSAT-2C, SROSS-C2, IRS-1B, IRS-P2 and IRS-1C. IRS-P3 when launched during 1996 will be the ninth satellite in the series. 1995 was an eventful year for the Department of Space. INSAT-2C was successfully launched on December 7, 1995. It has got Ku-band and more powerful transponders to provide mobile satellite services and business communication. The launch of IRS-1C from Russia on December 28 was also successful. It has many advanced features providing better spatial resolution, additional special bands, stereoscopic imaging, wide field coverage and more frequent revisit capabilities. Indias position in world space programmes has gone up after the establishment of United Nations Asia Pacific Regional Centre for Space Education in India. The Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was formed by the Department of Atomic Energy in 1962 . The same year the work on establishing Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) was started. While the year 1965 saw the establishment of Space Science And Technology Centre, Thumba, the Satellite Telecommunication Centre was set up at Ahmedabad in 1967 . The first sounding rocket was launched from TERLS on November 21, 1963. The TERLS was dedicated to the United Nations on February 2, 1968 . The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was formed under Department Of Atomic Energy on August 15, 1969. The Government of India set up the Space Commission and the Department of Space (DOS) in 1972. In the seventies Indian Space Programme was formally organised in a self-reliant manner. Now the scope of space programme ranges from development of Space Launch Systems, sophisticated satellites, their operation in the orbit, to the conducting of extensive application-oriented research and execution of different missions. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plays a key role in the planning and execution of National Space activities. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS The Indian space programme, having the objective of providing space-based services to the nation in a self-reliant manner, crossed an important milestone when the 283 tonne, 44 metre tall, Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-D2), launched on October 15, 1994, successfully accomplished its mission by placing the 804 kg Indian remote sensing satellite, IRS-P2, in the intended polar sun-synchronous orbit. India has, thus, joined the exclusive group of just six nations in the world to achieve this multi-disciplinary, technologically complex feat. Even as PSLV-D2 unequivocally demonstrated Indias capability to launch indigenously built remote sensing satellites from within the country, the mission has also proved, in flight, a number of systems which will be employed in the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), thus, bringing the country closer to achieve the capability for launching INSAT class of communication satellites as well. During 1995 the INSAT-2C and IRS-1C have been launched successfully and commissioned in orbit . The next development flight of the vehicle PSLV-D3 is scheduled in 1996. The fourth developmental flight of the Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV-D4) successfully achieved its mission on May 4, 1994 by placing the 113 kg SROSS-C2 scientific satellite in a near-earth orbit. With this success, all the objectives of ASLV project, including proving, in flight, a number of complex vehicle systems employed for PSLV and GSLV, have been fully realised. Considerable progress has also been made in the development of GSLV with a number of advanced technologies having been qualified and fabrication of most of the vehicle hardware initiated. The successful development and qualification of the silicon phenolic throat for the GSLV liquid propellant engine is another significant achievement. The L-40 liquid propulsion stage of GSLV is now getting ready for qualification . SCOPE OF SPACE PROGRAMMES Space programme continues to support space science research in the country. The National Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere Radar Facility (NMRF) near Tirupati, has been fully operationalised with the commissioning of the remaining part of the antenna array and associated transmitters for measurements in the Mesospheric region. It is a versatile facility for the atmospheric scientists. Sounding rockets and balloon flights continue to be undertaken for several space science experiments. The detection of a few Gamma-ray bursts by SROSS-C satellite has given further fillip to such experiments. Space Science research encompasses a wide spectrum of activities including study of cosmic rays, astronomical investigation using space and ground-based systems, study of meteorites and lunar samples and physical observations of sun. Another major branch of activity relates to the study of earths atmospheric system through rockets, balloons and orbiting space systems. REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS The remote sensing applications using IRS have proliferated into almost every facet of national development. The data is now used regularly for agricultural crop acreage and yield estimation, drought monitoring and assessment, flood mapping, land use and land cover mapping, wasteland management, water resources management, ocean/marine resources survey and management, mineral prospecting, forest resources survey and management, etc. We have surpassed many developed nations in putting into use the satellite based remote sensing data. For example, IRS data is used for pre-harvest acreage and production estimation of all major Indian crops like wheat, rice and sorghum. Estimates of production of cotton, oil seeds, mulberry, etc. are also made using satellite data. The data from IRS satellites is used for soil mapping, grassland mapping, forest survey, land use/land cover mapping, locating underground water resources, estimation of snow cover and snow melt/run-off, monitoring water level in reservoirs, environment monitoring, etc. The data has been extensively used for flood mapping and identifying flood-risk zones and for forecasting drought conditions. Satellite remote sensing is now used for identifying potential fish zones helping the fishermen in the coastal areas to increase the catch. Twenty two states have established remote sensing applications centres, which are carrying out several application projects of relevance to their regions, besides participating in national level projects. The Department of Space is helping state remote sensing centres through review of progress , conducting regional workshops, providing funds on case- by- case basis and providing research and development support. Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellite The launch of the first operational Indian Remote Sensing satellite, IRS-1A on March 17, 1988, on board a Soviet Vostok rocket, ushered in a new era in the countrys resources survey and management system. The second satellite in the series, IRS-1B, identical to IRS-1A, was launched on August 29, 1991. IRS-1A and IRS-1B have become the mainstay of the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) for effectively managing the countrys natural resources. IRS-P2, launched by Indias PSLV on October 15,1994 has joined IRS-1A and IRS-1B in enhancing the remote sensing services. IRS-1C has also been successfully launched on December 28, 1995 on board a Molniya rocket of Russia. Satellite images have been used to study the earthquake in Maharashtra during September 1993, Satellite data shows three major lineaments intersecting just south of the Latur-Killari village and this trijunction of lineaments appear to coincide with the epicentre of the earthquake. Based on the nature and extent of damage to various structures as observed in the field and the information provided by the District Collectors, the isoseismal intensity contours have been drawn. Application of IRS Satellites In Agriculture What do the Satellite people know about agriculture? Officials in Agriculture Departments used to ask. Recently the Karnataka State Remote Sensing Technology Utilisation Centre (KSRSTUC) has given a befitting reply. It has wrapped up a satellite data-based study of Kolar Districts Gudibanda Taluka and prepared an action plan to turn the rocky, rain-starved and drought-prone environs into an agricultural oasis. It is a tiny example of the unique Integrated Mission for Sustainable Development (IMSD) which has been launched in 157 districts of our country. Now farmers of India have growing interest in harvesting the miracles of the IRS series of Remote Sensing Satellites. IMSD aims at generating locale-specific prescriptions for development at micro-level using integrated analysis of the thematic maps generated using data from IRS Satellite, meteorological data and socio-economic information. Several States like Karnataka have set up their own Remote Sensing Application Centres. Efforts are being made to introduce courses on remote sensing in school and university curricula. INSAT Revolutionises Telecommunication And Media Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) besides revolutionising the telecommunication and TV broadcast scenario in our country, has improved the weather forecasting and is providing advance warning on disasters. About 150 telecommunication terminals are today operating under the INSAT network providing more than 4,000 two-way telephone channels along about 170 routes. Telegraphy services have been provided in the north-eastern region covering most of the inaccessible rural areas. The National Informatics Centre has set up over 600 micro-terminals. Many business houses now use the INSAT system for their corporate communication. The two indigenously built multipurpose satellites, INSAT-2A launched in July 1992 and INSAT-2B launched in July 1993, as well as, INSAT-1D, the last of the INSAT-1 series of satellites launched in 1990, continue to perform well in orbit providing vital services for telecommunications, television broadcasting, meteorology, disaster warning and distress detection. The successful launch of INSAT 2C on December 7, 1995 from Kourou, French Guyana and its commissioning in the orbit has added to INSAT series. It will provide mobile satellite services and business communication through newly introduced Ku-band transponders. More powerful C-band transponders for television programme will reach beyond the Indian boundaries. The work on the follow-on satellites in this series 2D and 2E has progressed further and are slated for launch in 1996-97 and 1997-98 respectively. These satellites will have additional spectral channel and improved coverage for meteorological payload. INSAT has brought about a rapid expansion of the TV network in our country covering over 65 per cent of the land mass and over 80 per cent of our population. National TV network, regional services and metro channels have already become operational. The INSAT network is extensively being used for educational purposes such as countrywide classrooms conducted by the University Grants Commission for two hours every day primarily meant for the university and college students, educational television programmes broadcast in the local languages for the benefit of the rural population and curriculum-based lectures broadcast by the Indira Gandhi National Open University. It is also used in continuing education for industrial workers, training of bank employees, training of block and village level extension agricultural workers and farmers, etc. INSAT is helping us in improving weather forecasts by providing high resolution radio-metric imageries. More than a hundred unattended meteorological data collection platforms relay weather information through INSAT to a central meteorological data processing centre. INSAT is also providing disaster warning receivers installed along the cyclone-prone east coast of the country. These disaster warning systems have enabled evacuation of thousands of people well in advance of impending cyclones. OTHER SATELLITES Aryabhatta Aryabhatta, the first Indian satellite, was launched on April 19, 1975, by the erstwhile USSR Intercosmos rocket into a near -earth orbit. Bhaskara Bhaskara-III , launched on June 7, 1979 and November 20, 1981, respectively, by the Intercosmos rockets of the erstwhile USSR, were experimental earth observation satellites. APPLE APPLE (Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment), an experimental communication satellite, was launched on June 19, 1981 by the Ariane launch vehicle of the European Space Agency (ESA). Rohini Series Two Stretched Rohini Series satellites, SROSS C and SROSS-C2, were launched successfully by Indias Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) on its third and fourth developmental missions (ASLV-D3 and ASLV-D4) on May 20, 1992, and May 4, 1994, respectively. Both the satellites carried identical scientific payloads, namely, Retarding Potential Analyser and Gamma Ray Burst experiment. SITE Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE), hailed as one of the largest experiments of its kind, was conducted during 1975-76 using USAs Application Technology Satellite (ATS-6). It demonstrated the potential of satellite technology as an effective mass communication media. STEP Satellite Telecommunication Experiment Project (STEP), conducted during 1977-79 using the Franco-German satellite. Symphonie, provided experience in the operation of a geo-stationary satellite system for domestic telecommunication and in designing and building ground infrastructure. LAUNCH VEHICLES SLV Indias capability in the launch vehicle technology was first demonstrated through the successful launch of SLV-3 in July 1980, which placed a 40 kg Rohini satellite into a near-earth orbit. Two more launches of SLV-3 were conducted in May 1981 and April 1983 with the Rohini satellites. ASLV The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) was successfully launched twice from Sriharikota Range (SHAR) on May 20, 1992 and May 4, 1994, respectively. These were the third and fourth developmental launches (ASLV-D3 and ASLV-D4). They injected the SROSS-C and SROSS-C2 (Stretched Rohini Satellite Series) satellite, respectively into a near-earth orbit. PSLV D 2- A Total Success The 280 tonne, 44 m tall, Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV, is capable of putting 1,000 kg class remote sensing satellite into 900 km polar sun-synchronous orbit. The first developmental flight of PSLV took place on September 20, 1993. Though it could not place the IRS-1E satellite, on board, into the intended polar orbit, the flight proved, in flight, almost all the vehicle systems, including the propulsion systems. The second launch of PSLV-D2 on October 15,1994 was a total success. Cryogenic Project The Government has approved the indigenous Cryogenic Upper State Project during April, 1994 following the renegotiation of the Cryogenic technology contract with Russia. GSLV With the operationalisation of GSLV towards the end of the century, ISRO will achieve self-reliance in launch vehicle technology for launching all its scientific remote sensing and geo-stationary satellites. PSLVD-3 PSLV D-3 will be launched during 1996. After this 3 PSLV continuation flights have been planned at the rate of one flight a year. SPACE PROGRAMME ENTERS WORLD MARKET There has been a significant progress in the commercial exploitation of the space capabilities developed by the country. The Antrix Corporation Ltd. established in September 1992, has shown promising results by securing orders for the study of satellite communication system for INMARSAT, providing training to ARABSAT and Korean engineers and for the supply of space hardware for Brazilian space agency. Space based remote sensing technology has drawn the attention of world market. US company EOSAT Co. has entered into a commercial contact with Antrix Corporation of the Space Department to receive and market data from IRS Satellites. Several other contracts have been bagged for supply of space hardware and services. Cooperative agreements have been signed with the Ukrainian National Space Agency and the Russian Space Agency. A high-level United Nations experts team has selected India for the setting up of a UN Centre for Space Science and Technology Education which will cater to the needs of the region.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Musical Taste Buds: How and Why We Have Musical Tendencies Essay exampl
Music is a universal language. All around the world, music exists and lives in many forms and genres. Personally, I have yet to hear a song or composition that I did not thoroughly enjoy. Throughout my life, I have learned my take on music is not the typical one. Most people I know lean towards certain genres and have at least one they avoid completely. Sometimes, it is a certain band, artist, or sound that others find unappealing. I have always wondered why I seem to be so unbiased to music compared to other people I know. Why do so many people tend to limit themselves to only enjoy certain music? For me, enjoying music is about the experience and the feeling presented in a composition. For me, music is, first and foremost, audio art. As an Art major, I can see and understand music as beauty rather than just sounds. This I feel is the difference that allows all music to be enjoyable for me. It is simple enough to understand the things that make music appealing. The real questions about music are about what makes music different for each listener. Why do people to like and/or dislike songs, sounds, genres, etc.? I value and find beauty in the fact that there are so many different sounds, it is these variances that I think create our musical taste buds. Musical â€Å"taste buds†is an expression I use when thinking about a developed preference to music. My musical palate is open, eager, and willing to try something unknown, while others may lean toward tastes with which they are already familiar. One can’t help but wonder whether or not music can be appreciated simply for what it is or are there other factors such as the artist’s life, inspiration, or media that create our varied tastes. Music is a form of art that exists specificall... ... not consistent with one’s own musical taste buds. Bibliography Fink, Bob. "FANG or FLINT? What Made the "Neanderthal Flute"?" Crosscurrents -- Journal of Ancient Music, Pre-history, Archaeology & Origins (& Other Social History & Science Matters) 198 (2008): 1-10. EBSCO. Web. 12 Feb. 2010. Goldstein, E. Bruce. Cognitive Psychology Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience (with Coglab 2.0 Online Booklet). Belmont: Wadsworth, 2007. Print. Levitin, Daniel J. The World in Six Songs How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature. New York: Dutton Adult, 2008. Print. Ruwet, N. "Musicology and linguistics." International Social Science Journal 19.1 (1967): 79-78. EBSCO. Web. 21 Feb. 2010. "Origin of music - encyclopedia article - Citizendium." Welcome to Citizendium - Citizendium. Web. 12 Feb. 2010. .
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Dead Man Walking Essay examples -- essays research papers
Dead Man Walking      The film â€Å"Dead Man Walking†is a film about redemption. The film is directed by Tim Robbins. Susan Sarandon plays a Nun called Sister Helen Prejean. She is asked by a convicted murderer to get him a lawyer, and then later is asked to be his spiritual advisor. The convicted killer is named Matthew Poncelet, and he is played by Sean Penn. The film is set in the Angola state penitentiary, in Louisiana. Matthew Poncelet first asks her to get him a lawyer so he can repeal his Death sentence. Sister Helen gets him a lawyer, but they fail after several good attempts to get him off death row. Sister Helen begins to come to him almost every day after Poncelet asks her to be his spiritual advisor on the day of his death. During this phase of the film Sister Helen tries to get Poncelet to tell her about his own life. Poncelet tells her about his life and why he was put on death row. Poncelet was convicted along with another man in the murder of the youth and a girl after raping the girl. Sister Helen is very sympathetic and is also looked down upon for this reason. Though she is repressed she still goes on helping Poncelet and she digs around in his feelings and soul. Sister Helen eventually finds a good soul in Matthew Poncelet, a person no one else knows. Matthew constantly denies to Sister Helen, himself, and to God that he had committed his horrible crime. Poncelet continues to blame his problems on other things such as his father dying early in his life, his drug use, his immaturity, and that he was unable to stand up to his partner in the brutal crime. Sister Helen urges Poncelet to come clean and face the part that he took in the crime. And at nearly the last minutes of the film he tells the truth. Though he tells the truth of his sin, he is still put to death by lethal injection.      The purpose of this film, I believe, was to show that capital punishment is not right in all circumstances, but the redemption and preservation of the human soul being better. Tim Robbins tried to show how most people and even more accurate, Christian people tend to always want vengeance for a crime. Most of them have a line from the old testament committed to memory, â€Å"An eye for an eye,†is what they always want to say. But it really confuses me. To me that saying is not clear, if you think about it, i... ...n church. I read the Bible, though not as much as I should, but the â€Å"Eye for an Eye part has always confused me. If the Bible states, â€Å"Thou shall not kill,†then why does it justify the killing of a person who has killed before. I believe that God loves all his children. If people are really followers of Christ, they will learn from him how to forgive people for their faults and mistakes during life. If the people in the film would have stopped and though what it would be like to be in Poncelet’s shoes, maybe they would feel different about the death penalty. He was in jail facing lethal injection. I’m sure if they thought about it they would not want to be killed, but then the people who Poncelet had killed did not have a choice, they had death forced on them. This film does a great job of showing both sides of the capitol punishment controversy. I can see how people think killing someone who has killed is a good thing. It keeps the person off the streets and from killing again. Though is it really justice? I still believe that people can be evil, but people can also be cleansed. I believe this film has a dramatic point, and the purpose is pretty clear to anyone who may watch it.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Effect of Maternal Employment on Child Hood Education Essay
Abstract The study aims to examine in detail the effects of maternal employment as a doctor on child’s academic achievement at school level, with the help of using samples taken from working doctor and non working mothers and the schools grades of their respective children. The results predicted show that mothers as a doctor does exert negative impact on the academic achievement of their children. Further findings highlight that mothers education and the quantity of time spend with the child incase when the mother is working are the important tools for better school performance. The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement Introduction As we all know Pakistan being a developing nation gives great importance to two main sectors namely health and education. Therefore a lot of funds and resources have been contributed to these sectors over two decades on the principals of making Pakistan a healthy and literate community. Over the years Pakistan has witnessed a great deal of changes in its social, cultures and norms one of which has great relevance to our research such as female employment. The number of female employees has greatly increased. However female employment in profession cannot take place alone until and unless it blends with sound education. Therefore an increase employment in female sectors has led to a simultaneously increase in schooling or education as well, both of which are primary focus of our discussion. Since females are now opting medical as their profession and female doctors are increasing day by day, it was for this reason why we opted for this topic to study the impact of maternal employment as a doctor on their children’s primary education. Our aim is to make people aware of the fact whether maternal employment effects children’s education or not. In Lahore preschools and primary education schools are opening up at every location. This increase in demand for more schools is mainly due to more and more mothers going out for work. To become a doctor and serve the community can although be seen as positive aspect individually and socially however it can also have serious or negative implications on the child.To draw conclusions whether the working mothers as doctor have a positive or negative influence on child’s development we would need to consider several aspects of this development that is how it affects the child’s academic performance and achievements, his personal character development and mental and emotional well being. All of the factors mentioned above would help us in determine whether it is feasible for the mother to work as a doctor or stay at home giving attention to their children. To study in depth we have taken into account the effect of working doctor mothers on children who are mainly enrolled in preschool and primary school. Children when are between the age of 3-12 years are most demanding in time and it is these early years of a child in which a strong bond between mother and child is created followed by the character development. Mother as doctors will tend to leave their children at day care or pre schools which might end up with negative effects on the children. On the other hand preschools and primary schools may also have positive impact on the child’s growth such as learning of new activities and work in groups which will help them build up confidence and lastly make them independent at a very young age. Despite these positive aspects of the schooling, a child might not perform well in his education performance. To carry out the survey and research a lot of variables were considered and used in finding. Variables such as the number of years after the mother started practicing medical profession after the child’s birth, the monthly income of the female doctors, the fraction of the to tal monthly salary spent on children. Last but not the least the amount of items available in the house that contribute in time saving techniques resulting in ample time available for the mother to be spent with the child, these equipment would mainly include washing machines, dryers dish washers and the number of helpers present in the house. Our main objective is to also study and compare previous generations to today’s generations in Pakistan. In past very less women were doctors and mostly were housewives who believed in not to work but to spend quality time at home and give in their best efforts to bring up their children. However nowadays females are becoming doctors. Thus a question arises whether women can still manage to give quality timer to their children with medical as their profession or children have to suffer because of their mother as doctor. Which option is better, to become a doctor and raise children or become a house wife and raise children. These questions will be addressed and answered in our research. Questions that will be asked from the doctors and non working women that will help us formulate general results are in the form of two questionnaires. To gain more primary data which is still not answered by the questionnaires; there will also be direct interviews from the doctors. Thus our population will be few female doctors in Lahore that have children. However we have further narrowed the female doctors to a few hospitals at Lahore. The sample would be taken from surgimed hospital/ Services hospital.To sum up, research paper mainly focuses on the effect of mothers being doctors on their childhood’s development with special importance given to education development. To summarize in one line, the research helps in studying the development of child when their mothers are doctors (maternal employment sector) or when their mothers are housewives (nonemployee). Literature Review This paper involves number of studies that involve the relationship between maternal employment and children’s cognitive development. Maternal employment can be taken as an economic factor which eventually can affect and influence a lot of environmental conditions, thus it also affects the children’s cognitive abilities. We cannot deny the fact that economic conditions initially play a vital role in child’s development but on the other hand psychological aspects can also not be denied and need to be taken into account. To define and state them more clearly some of the factors affecting the child outcomes may include maternal employment, education levels of parent’s socio economic standing and other demographic standings. It is widely believed that mothers as doctors have less time available to spend with their children therefore one could say mothers as doctors have negative effects on the cognitive development of children. Some of the problems that can come across are slow language development process, unable to solve mathematical problems and deficits in reading abilities. Ruhm (2000) found out that during the early years such as 3 and 4 years old, children had detrimental effect on language learning and children with the age of 5 and 6 years had to face the problems mathematical inabilities. Lack of interaction and bonding with the mother at this stage in life may lead to cognitive difficulties in the child .Maternal employment results in separation of mother and child therefore providing a gateway to cognitive problems. An interesting finding that we found out while going through the literature was that unlike maternal employment, unemployed fathers have negative effects. Harvey (1999) found out some significant results though they were more or less confined to high income versus low income families. Harvey (1999) conducted different surveys and techniques and studied the effects of maternal employment on cognitive development. Harvey (1999) found out that maternal employment is favorable and has positive impact to children that belong to low income families. This is perhaps because children from poor families receive more education in their pre schooling compared to if they stayed at home. This view point can also be supported with the fact that mothers from poor families are less educated and thus have less motherly skills. However children from richer families mostly lose out when their mothers are not at work. Income effects: David Blau (1999) conducted a study which focused on income effects. Blau (1999) found out that only permanent income that is from permanent career can affect the relationship which also is to a limited extent. Blau (1999) agreed that different economic classes do affect the cognitive levels. Family variables are important which mainly include mother’s educational level, marital status and race. Education Status: With respect to Blau, Loury(1988) examined that the educational level of the parents is the main cause of cognitive problems. To conclude about the literature review Investigation into the influences on children’s development shows the fundamental factor is the nature of children’s experiences in their primary life contexts, including the relationships between those contexts and wider socio-cultural contexts. The most influential factor is the nature of interactions with parents and, in the early childhood education setting, with early childhood educators. With regard to the impact of maternal employment, the direction of international research suggests maternal employment in itself has no significant negative or positive effects on children, although small negative cognitive and behavioral effects of extensive maternal employment may occur in the child’s first year. These possible negative effects are linked to the quality of the early childhood education, so high quality generally removes the negative effects and may increase positive effects in that first year. Any negative effects of maternal employment are negligible beyond the child’s first year and must be seen in relation to the numerous influences in the different contexts of a child’s life. Methodology The purpose of the study is to look at how mothers working as doctors have an effect on their children’s performance in the field of education at preschool and primary level. To carry out research, female doctors who have children were selected as population from hospitals of Lahore mainly constituting Services and Surgimed hospital . To carry out data collection the population was sampled and fifteen female doctors who have children from each hospital were given a questionnaire and similarly two interviews from each hospital were conducted. We have used quota sampling based on convenient and non probability sampling. Semi structured questionnaire which consists of both structured and unstructured questions have been used. The questionnaire designed focused on general questions in the beginning and then focused more towards specific questions, the approach known as general to specific was used.. Since there are large numbers of female doctors who have children working in these two hospitals; it was easy for us to collect data with the help of questionnaires by distributing them once and collecting the questionnaires back next time. Unstructured interviews were also conducted, two from each hospital to collect data.The aim of the interviews was to find out any additional information that could not be generated or left out in questionnaires. This additional information was generated with help of probe questions. We tried our best to create an atmosphere which is suitable and comfortable for the respondents to conduct the interview Questions used in questionnaires are mostly measured in numerical frequency. The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement Questionnaire results and discussion: Q1: Most of the mothers (working and non working) were married, thus majority of them belonged to a stable family meaning by they were not disturbed due to family domestic affairs.(See Appendix for charts) Q2: An interesting finding from the questionnaires was that mothers who worked as doctors had less children. On an average female doctors had two children. Whereas mothers who were not working had a majority of three children. Thus clearly highlighting the fact that mothers can give more time to their children if they are not working. (See Appendix for charts) Q3: Mostly mothers who had children of below the age of five years took leave from their profession to up bring their children. (See Appendix for charts) Q4: Both mothers who are working as doctors and mothers who are nonworking had majority of their life partners (husbands) as working and earning. (See Appendix for charts) Q5: Income was enough for them to buy things for children. (See Appendix for charts) Q6: Though when this question was put in a different way in terms of spending time with their children. Women who were not working, mostly spent 6 hours a day with their children whereas working women only spent 4 hours a day due to their staying away from home unlike nonworking women who worked while staying home thus could give more time to children. (See Appendix for charts) Q7: Mothers who worked in hospitals had hired maids for their children to look after them whereas non working mothers who hired maids were 9 out of 30 mothers who answered questionnaire. Out of 30 working mothers who were given questionnaire 16 had The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement hired maid’s .Therefore mothers who don’t work can look after their children much better unlike maids hired by working mothers for their children. (See Appendix for charts) Q8: Though there is a slight difference as most of the nonworking mothers visit 6 times years while working mothers visit 4 times a year. (See Appendix for charts) Q9: Mothers who work are supported and to great extent in bring up their children up to their academic expectations. Majority working mothers stated that their husband contribute more than 50% in children’s education responsibility. Whereas mothers who did not work took most of the children’s education responsibilities and husband contributed very less. Therefore a valid conclusion drawn is that mothers who do not work can give more time to their children’s education and can produce better results. (See Appendix for charts) Q10: Mothers who worked provide their children with recreational activities such as taking them out to restaurants etc. Whereas mothers who stayed at home emphasized more on providing recreational activities such as sports for healthier routine and health. (See Appendix for charts) The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement Q11: Now talking about the main research question. Results drawn showed that mothers who did not work their children showed a better academic performance when compared to mothers who work. Out of 30 working mothers only 9 termed their children with excellent academic performance whereas in case of nonworking women out of 30, 18 termed their children as excellent in academics. Therefore clearly indicating that mothers who do not work are able produce better results out of their children unlike working mothers. (See Appendix for charts) Q12: Mothers who were working wanted their children to get the highest degree of education to become successful in life. Majority of the working mothers wanted their children to do masters. (See Appendix for charts) Q13: Some working women agreed that bringing up child is possible with job whereas almost an equal amount of women did not agreed that bringing up child is easily possible with job and thus affects overall performance especially academic performance. (See Appendix for charts) Q14: When working and non working mothers were asked about their opinion as mothers. Non working mothers termed themselves in majority (25 out of30) as excellent mothers whereas mothers as doctors only 12 out of 30 termed themselves excellent mothers. (See Appendix for charts) Q15: Lastly mothers were to give reasons of why they were working. Most of them mothers stated that they worked either for advancement in career or for monetary reasons. (See Appendix for charts) The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement Interviews were also conducted from working women from the hospitals. The unstructured interviews followed by probe questions helped us to find more useful information about their impact of job on their children’s education performance. The findings from the interviews were finding out how much interest they showed in their children’s education and whether they had ever thought of the impact of their profession on their children’s education performance. Most of the female doctors were interested in their children’s education performance and were concerned but they also agreed that at times they lack in keeping their child’s performance up to date due to their performance. Thought it was found out that they tried to give equal time to their profession and their children to maintain balance however doctor as profession did not allow them to work on this idea freely and thus female doctors as mothers were more towards the view that doctor as a profession is too demanding, therefore some cost in the form of children’s upbringing has to be paid. To find more details doctors were asked what they thought of this profession whether it is friendlier towards family. Most of the doctors abruptly answered in a negative manner and demanded that working hours too long and should be cut short so that more time can be spent with families. Though in monetary terms they were happy since most of the female doctors quoted a handsome amount of salary and were able to meet their children’s requirement and their schooling (education). Lastly questions were asked from doctors whether they would like their children to be a doctor as well keeping in view the costs associated and children’s education impact. Most of the mothers were not in favor of making their children’s doctors stating that there is no social and family life in this profession. The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement Conclusions Findings from the research we suggest that doctor as a profession is not friendly and does not goes in favor side by side in bringing children’s education performance to the peak. Mothers working as doctors no doubt work hard in up bringing their child to their best however nowadays doctor as a profession is becoming demanding day by day and the number of hours to work have increased. Simultaneously education competitions have also increase and have become very demanding. Therefore looking at the results mothers who works as doctors, their children suffer more than mothers who do not work and spend time with their children. The other two sectors like bankers etc had less or negligible effects on children’s education. Thus doctor’s children have a negative impact on their children education unlike mothers who are government servants or bankers. Recommendations The research is very helpful and will provide a good rationale for female mothers who work as doctors to take a decision whether to take up job or bring up their child as nonworking mothers. Looking at the results and findings the researcher suggests that in Pakistan, doctor as a profession is very demanding and has negative effect on children’s performance. Therefore it is recommended that women instead of taking up doctor as their profession should look for other job alternatives such as banking or other government jobs which are less demanding and have less working hours. The main advantage of considering other professions would be to give time simultaneously to their children along with their jobs. The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement Limitations: The one and only limitation faced in the project was to get the questionnaires filled out from the doctors. Since most of the time doctors were busy and getting hold of doctors to take their interviews and filling out questionnaires was difficult. The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievement References Blau, F. D., & Grossberg, A. J. (1992). Maternal labor supply and children’s cognitive development. Review of Economics and Statistics Achenbach, T. M., Edelbrock, C., & Howell, C. T. (1987). Empirically based assessment of behavioral/emotional problems of 2- and 3-year-old children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Baydar, N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Effects of maternal employment and child care arrangements on preschoolers’ cognitive and behavioral outcomes: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Developmental Psychology Brooks-Gunn, J., Han, W., & Waldfogel, J. (2002). Maternal employment and child cognitive outcomes in the first three years of life: The NICHD Study of Early Child Care. Child Development,
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Quick warm Essay
Station 1: Here, I will be doing a quick warm up which means I will start jogging for about 30 seconds so that my muscles can start to work slowly doing this will help me to have an easier time while doing my stretches in the next stage because if I suddenly stretch a muscle that I haven’t worked on then I will have to have my P.E. kit and my trainers on which means from now on till the end of the circuit I will have to apply the safety rules to my circuit and I also have to have all the equipment needed to complete the circuit. (2 minutes break after this>>the 2 minutes of break is not included in the real exercise time) Station 2: This is more important then the first one because this is where I will be doing my stretches. There are many stretch types that I can do but firstly I have to start the stretching from my neck down to my legs which means I will firstly stretch my neck I can do this by doing some movements such like if you turn your head from right to left or if you face up and then face down then you will start working your muscles. Your neck should be stretched because in badminton the shuttlecock usually goes up high and you will need to make a sudden move with your neck muscles to see where it is going so that you can hit it back to the opposition. After this there is another important body part that needs to be stretched and that’s my arms. Stretching of my arms will take 20 seconds so it is 10 seconds for each arm after this I will start to stretch my legs and that will take 30 seconds so its 15 seconds for each leg. These two parts are important because these are the only parts that badminton is played with and the reason of stretching these is because if I hurt any muscles in these parts I cannot play badminton till I recover and recovery depends on how bad it is. (2 minutes break time) Station 3: In this part of the circuit the exercise that I will do is running because if I improve my speed I will be able to act quickly and this will allow me to run around the court faster so that I can reach the shuttlecock straight away. This will also increase my stamina if I do it often. In this same section I can also stretch my arm muscles while running because my leg muscles will already be stretching when I am running because I will be working them a lot. (2 minutes break time) Station 4: Here, I will practise with free weights for around 2 minutes and that is 1 minute for each arm. This will help my muscles to get better and stronger. If I get stronger I can hit the shuttlecock faster which means it will help me to win the game that I am playing and I can see the difference by doing another exercise after this and that exercise can be taking some shots. And if I can do it faster, then this means using free weights is a good way of warming up. Station 5: In this one I will be standing against a wall or a friend and will be practising overhead shots so that this skill can also get better. This skill is always needed in a badminton game where you hold the racquet over your head and you watch or chase the shuttlecock as it comes down and you hit it very fast from above your head to above your opponents head. It usually goes over them and you get the points but sometimes opponents can not chase the shuttlecock that good and they just miss it and lose a point. This happened to me twice and it is also the other reason for me to practise these shots. Station 6: Here I will be practising the most important thing in badminton. Serving. Serving is a very hard thing and can lose you a lot of points if you don’t know how to do it. For a serve you will have to keep the racquet below your waist and work your way up as you leave the shuttlecock that you will be holding in your other hand. Practising this will get you many points in the game because if you serve really good the opponents sometimes misses to hit the shuttlecock back to you. Station 7: Here I will be taking shot from one side of the court to the hoops that are on the other side of the court. This will help me to measure the speed that I should be hitting the shuttlecock with and by doing this I will be able find out where the shuttlecock goes when I hit it from one place or another. Station 8: From here I will start jogging as I have finished the warming up so this means that I can also take a few shots and keep on jogging till I feel that my muscles are back to normal or as relaxed as they can be. Station 9: This is where I will be picking up all the equipment and putting them back to its place. Here I will also tell my teacher that I have completed my circuit and that it went fine (or if there was any problems, then they should be told to the teacher). Evaluation: In this coursework I did everything that I was asked to do and my graphs also gave me good and accurate results which have proved my circuit right. There could have been better things in this coursework but my illness made me lose 3 double PE lessons where it was talked about the coursework and the lack of time we had really made it poor. Even though the coursework was a disaster I made a very good effort in putting everything together. I am hoping that this will be a good essay.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Isolation in “a Rose for Emily†and “the Yellow Wallpaperâ€Â
â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are two well written short stories that entail both similarities and differences. Both short stories were written in the late 1800’s early 1900’s and depict the era when women were viewed less important than men. The protagonist in each story is a woman, who is confined in solitary due to the men in their lives. The narrator in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†is the mutual voice of the townspeople of Jefferson, while Emily Grierson is the main character in the story that undergoes a sequence of bad events. The unnamed, female narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is also the main character whose journal we read. This difference in tense gives each story a†¦show more content†¦Treichler’s â€Å"Escaping the Sentence: Diagnosis and Discourse in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’†informs readers â€Å"The narrator is forbidden to engage in normal social conversation [†¦] and avoid expressing negative thoughts and expressions about her illness†(61). Although both women were isolated, Emily isolated herself while the unnamed narrator was forcefully isolated. In both short stories the main character is judged by the surrounding people: Emily as a conceited, ill woman, and the unnamed narrator as a â€Å"sick†, depressed woman. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†the townspeople were extremely nosey and very judgmental about how people should live there life. Watkins argues â€Å"The contrast between Emily and the townspeople and between her home and her surroundings is carried out by the invasion of her home by the adherents of the new order in the town†(509). Also it is displayed sometime after Emily’s father died when she went to the druggist and ordered arsenic to kill rats (Faulkner 78-79). â€Å"†¦The next day we [the townspeople] all said, ‘She will kill herself’; and we [the townspeople] said it would be the best thing (Faulkner 79). In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†the unnamed narrator is judged by her family and friends. In the introduction of the story the unnamed narrator reve als that her husband, also a physician, belittles her illness and her general thoughts of life (Gilman 408). â€Å"If a physician of high standing, and one’s ownShow MoreRelatedThe, The Yellow Wallpaper, And Mississippi Native William Faulkner s `` A Rose For Emily ``869 Words  | 4 PagesGilman’s (1860-1935) â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†and Mississippi native William Faulkner’s (1897-1962) â€Å"A Rose for Emily†both contain extreme delusional characters (â€Å"Charlotte Perkins Gilman†, â€Å"William Faulkner†). 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Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on Love and Loss in Poetry - 2004 Words
Love and Loss in Poetry Q. How do the poets convey their attitudes toward love and loss in the poems ‘ a woman to her lover’ ‘first love’ ‘remember’ and ‘ when we two parted’? The poem ‘ a woman to her lover’ was written by Christina Walsh. The poem starts of with a question, ‘do you come to me to bend me to your will?’ throughout the poem, the basic atmosphere of loss is evident. Within the first stanza itself there is marital imagery relating to the sense of power and dominance. ‘ in drudgery and silence’, she tries to portray how she is helpless to protest, she begins the poem with this relationship, the dominance of man over woman, ‘to make of me a bondslave’ in this stanza she is explaining one of the types of†¦show more content†¦She talks of a relationship based on sex. That the love shared between them is fueled and continued only by the physical relationship between them. She rejects more fiercely this type of idea of man, ‘Oh shame , and pity and abasement’ she considers it to be and insult for all women and completely degrading. ‘Wakened woman’ her use of alliteration is to emphasize to woman to know their worth. The last line of the stanza also holds a universal meaning, ‘not for you the hand of any wakened woman of our time. The last stanza of the poem is in contrast to all the others. We see here the tone changes, it softens, ‘But Lover’. She speaks of equality at home and speaks of a partner who will share what life has to offer with the other. She uses the word ‘height’ to show the depth of feelings in togetherness. She gives the impression that she would give herself to him forever ‘I am yours forever’ if he would treat her the way she wishes. She uses musical images as well, ‘bridal march’ ‘music of the spheres’, ‘circling fugue’, they bring out the harmony in the relationship, she wishes for equality, to be equal partners in the journey of life. And the last line talks of Christian faith, that even God and the universe would be happy with this type of relationship, of perfect equality. It shows what she wants with her lover. The four stanzas speak of four separate different relationships, she analyses here the man and woman relationshipShow MoreRelatedThe Theme of Love and Loss in Poetry Essay2011 Words  | 9 PagesThe Theme of Love and Loss in Poetry How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Albert Einstein. The subject of love has always inspired poets, writers, and those lucky in love as well. Love is everything its cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. 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