Thursday, March 12, 2020
101 Intro to Argument Professor Ramos Blog
101 Intro to Argument Graff â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism†(264) Quick Write What are some problems or issues that would benefit from us researching and writing about them? Research Argument Topics These are very general topics to consider. For our project, we will be arguing for positive change. The issues or problems can be from the list below. Legalize Drugs Rap Lyrics promote sexism Gun Laws Universal Health Care Planned Parenthood Death Penalty Miss Information Protesting Freedom of Speech Gas taxes Border Wall Make drugs illegal Marijuana Laws Trump Same-sex marriage Trans Bathrooms Free College Trains vs Autos Animal Testing Participation Trophies Prostitution should be legal Homework is good or bad? Try minors as adults Driving age raised Drinking age lowered Paternity Leave Graff â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism†(264) In the article â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism,†Gerald Graff argues that schools should encourage students to write about subjects that interests them. While passion about a subject does not necessarily mean they will write well about it, they can benefit from reflective and analytical writing about subjects they care about. Nonacademic subjects can be â€Å"more intellectual than school†(267). What does he mean by intellectual here? Look at paragraph 10 on page 267. Real intellectuals turn any subject, however lightweight it may seem, into grist for their mill through thoughtful questions they bring to it, whereas a dullard will find a way to drain the interest out of the richest subject (265). Do you agree with this statement? Why? Who is his audience? What is his purpose? Give me the student anytime who writes a sharply argued, sociologically acute analysis of an issue in Source over the student who writes a life less explication of Hamlet or Socrates’ Apology (270). Logos Evidence, S.T.A.R. Sufficient Typical Acceptable Relevant Rhetorical Questions Signposts Transitions and connections Pre-buttals Anticipate objections and answering Famous Arguments Martin Luther Kings I have a Dream Speech Is his speech successful? How does he build Ethos? Where does he use Pathos? Identify uses of Logos. The Danger of a Single Story Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells a story about how she found her authentic voice and warns against a single story. Where did she use Ethos, Logos, and Pathos? How persuasive is she?
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Disney Land essays
Disney Land essays Its a Terrifying World After All I couldn't wait for my family and I to take our annual vacation. It was during those times that I enjoyed myself most. I had anticipated this vacation to be the best. After all, I was going to Disney World, the greatest place in the world. Little did I know I was about to embark on a journey that would leave a scare in my memory, permanently. The incident took place more than twelve years ago, yet I can recall the date and time as if it were yesterday. The date, Saturday, June 13, 1987; the time, 2:00 in the afternoon. The sun was at its peak and it felt as if it was hot enough to fry an egg in the middle of the street. As the large doughy hand reached down to grab mine, I began to panic. My palms began to sweat and I could feel my heart pumping wildly. This giant monstrosity before me was huge. His hand drawing closer to mine, my heartbeat grew with intensity. I'd never been so frightened. I could hear my mother's sweet, faint voice from beside me saying, "Go ahead, honey, shake his hand." I remember looking at her and looking at the hand getting closer to me, I immediately took off. I wasn't running to escape fear. I felt as if I was running to save my life. I ran through hordes of people. People who were talking so loudly I couldn't hear myself think. I had no idea where I was going. The sweet smell of cotton candy was in the air. I could feel gum underneath my shoes and I could see traces of peanuts on the ground. As sweat was starting to trickle down my face, I continued to run faster and faster. As I continued to run I could hear a song repeating the same words over and o ver again. The words were simple yet very agitating. It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all. Those words rang in my mind then and I can still hear them today. There were lots of other kids around that lo...
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