Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Secret Weapon for Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay
A Secret Weapon for Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay The Birth of Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. The list is really endless. With the assistance of our tips for writing and our interesting collection of topics, you're guaranteed to obtain a high grade! However soon you're expected to file your college argumentative essay for grading, we'll write the paper for you. The shortage of excellent support sources are going to result in a decrease grade. Our crew of professional writers with the essential experience and writing skills is always prepared to fulfill your demands and exceed your expectations. The role of assigning an essay to middle school stude nts is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. When you are finished with your essay, you must not simply check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. To come across argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of academic writing. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's advisable to use a 5-paragraph structure. You don't wish to lose grades because of incorrect essay format. At length, now that you're prepared to work on your paper, we wish to remind you of the value of appropriate essay structure. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you first have to think about what it is that you are likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. How to Choose Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay A great argumentative essay is going to be based on established or new research instead of only on your ideas and feelings. It is all about arguing and debating on a topic, which is debatable. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. Argumentative research paper topics are a ton simpler to find than to produce. As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. A paper is always simpler to write if you're interested in this issue, and you're going to be more motivated to do in-depth research and compose a paper that truly covers the whole subject. An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Having selected a great topic to argue about, at this point you need to make an argumentative essay outline. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. The key to select a great topic for an argumentative essay is to select a subject where there's a lot of debates on topics or stances. In situations when you get to pick the topic for an argumentative essay, you need to be wise and locate a title that will intrigue a reader. It is advised to steer clear of argument essay topics on moral issues because they don't support logical discussion. Not all research paper topics are made equal, and you would like to ensure you select a wonderful topic before you commence writing. Review of credible sources on this issue. Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay - Dead or Alive? A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely. At exactly the same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll discover evidence to support claims you make. It's essential not just to supply the evidence to back up your position but also to refute that of your opponents. You have to discover good evidence to back up your ideas in addition to examples to i llustrate the evidence. What to Expect From Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay? There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Remember you can make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you should clearly show your analytical skills. Each style differs in two ways.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
What Are the Functions of Art
First, proceed with this caution: No piece of art can be assigned a function (or functions), either in essay form or in casual conversation, if it isnt first considered within the proper context. Trying to classify function depends on context. Ideally, one can look at a piece of art and know (approximately) where it came from and when. The best-case scenario includes identifying the artist, as well, because s/he is part of the contextual equation (i.e., What was the artist thinking at the time s/he created this?). You, the viewer, are the other half (i.e., What does this piece of art mean to you, at this moment?). These are all factors that should be considered before trying to assign functions. Besides, taking anything out of context can lead to misunderstanding, which is never a happy place to visit. That said, the functions of art normally fall into three categories. These are personal, social or physical functions. These categories can, and (often) do, overlap in any given piece of art. The Physical Functions of Art The physical functions of art are often the easiest to understand. Works of art that are created to perform some service have physical functions. If you see a Fijian war club, you may assume that, however wonderful the craftsmanship may be, it was created to perform the physical function of smashing skulls. A Japanese raku bowl is art that performs a physical function in the tea ceremony. Conversely, a fur-covered teacup from the Dada movement has no physical function. Architecture, any of the crafts, and industrial design are all types of art that have physical functions. The Social Functions of Art Art has a social function when it addresses aspects of (collective) life, as opposed to one persons point of view or experience. For example, public art in 1930s Germany had an overwhelming symbolic theme. Did this art exert influence on the German population? Decidedly so, as did political and patriotic posters in Allied countries during the same time. Political art (skewed to whatever message) always carries a social function. The fur-covered Dada teacup, useless for holding tea, carried a social function in that it protested World War I (and nearly everything else in life). Art that depicts social conditions performs social functions. The Realists figured this out early in the 19th century. American photographer Dorothea Lange (1895–1965) and, indeed, many other photographers often took pictures of people in conditions wed rather not think about. Additionally, satire performs social functions. Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746–1828) and English portrait artist William Hogarth (1697–1764) both went this route, with varying degrees of success at enacting social change. Sometimes having specific pieces of art in a community can perform the social function of elevating that communitys status. A stabile by American kinetic artist Alexander Calder (1898–1976), for example, can be a community treasure and point of pride. The Personal Functions of Art The personal functions of art are often the most difficult to explain. There are many types of personal function, and they are subjective and will, therefore, vary from person to person. An artist may create out of a need for self-expression, or gratification. S/he might have wanted to communicate a thought or point to the viewer. Perhaps the artist was trying to provide an aesthetic experience, both for self and viewers. A piece might have been meant to merely entertain others. Sometimes a piece isnt meant to have any meaning at all. Recognize that this is intentionally vague. The above is a great example of how knowing the artist can help one cut to the chase and assign functions. On a slightly more lofty plane, art may serve the personal functions of control. Art has been used to attempt to exert magical control over time, or the seasons or even the acquisition of food. Art is used to bring order to a messy and disorderly world. Conversely, art can be used to create chaos when an artist feels life is too staid and ordinary. Art can also be therapeuticâ€â€for both the artist and the viewer. Yet another personal function of art is that of religious service (lots of examples for this, arent there?). Finally, sometimes art is used to assist us in maintaining ourselves as a species. Biological functions would obviously include fertility symbols (in any culture), but there are many ways we humans adorn ourselves in order to be attractive enough to, well, mate. You, the viewer, are half of the equation in assigning a function to art. These personal functions apply to you, as well as the artist. It all adds up to innumerable variables when trying to figure out the personal functions of art. Stick with the most obvious and provide only those details you know as factual. In sum, try to remember four points when required to describe the functions of art: (1) context and (2) personal, (3) social and (4) physical functions. Good luck, and may your own words flow freely!
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Raising Biracial Children to Be Well-Adjusted
Biracial children have existed in the United States since colonial times. America’s first child of dual African and European heritage was reportedly born in 1620. Despite the long history, biracial children have in the U.S., opponents to interracial unions insist on invoking the â€Å"tragic mulatto myth to justify their views. This myth suggests that biracial children will inevitably grow into tortured misfits angry that they fit into neither black nor white society. While mixed-race children certainly face challenges, raising well-adjusted biracial children is quite possible if parents are proactive and sensitive to their children’s needs. Reject Myths About Mixed-Race Kids Want to raise mixed-race children who thrive? Your attitude can make all the difference. Challenge the idea that multiethnic children are destined for a life of difficulty by identifying successful Americans of mixed race such as actors Keanu Reeves and Halle Berry, news anchors Ann Curry and Soledad O’Brien, athletes Derek Jeter and Tiger Woods, and politicians Bill Richardson and Barack Obama. It’s also helpful to consult studies that debunk the tragic mulatto myth. For example, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry posits that â€Å"multiracial children do not differ from other children in self-esteem, comfort with themselves, or a number of psychiatric problems.†On the contrary, AACAP has found that mixed children tend to celebrate diversity and appreciate an upbringing in which various cultures played a part. Celebrate Your Child’s Multiethnic Heritage Which biracial kids have the best chance of success? Research indicates that they’re the kids allowed to embrace all components of their heritage. Multiracial children forced to choose a single-race identity tend to suffer from this inauthentic expression of self. Unfortunately, society often pressures mixed-race individuals to choose just one race because of the outdated â€Å"one-drop rule†which mandated that Americans with any African heritage be classified as black. It wasn’t until 2000 that the U.S. Census Bureau allowed citizens to identify as more than one race. That year the Census found that about 4% of children in the U.S. are multiracial. How mixed children racially identify depends on a number of factors, including physical features and family attachments. Two multiethnic siblings who look as if they belong to different races may not identify the same way. Parents, however, can teach children that racial identity is more complicated than what someone looks like on the outside. In addition to physical appearance, mixed children may choose a racial identity based on which parent they spend time with most. This especially proves true when interracial couples separate, causing their children to see one parent more than the other. Spouses who take an interest in their mate’s cultural backgrounds will be more equipped to teach children about all aspects of their heritage should divorce occur. Familiarize yourself with the customs, religions, and languages that play roles in your mate’s background. On the other hand, if you’re alienated from your own cultural heritage but want your children to recognize it, visit older family members, museums and your country of origin (if applicable) to learn more. This will enable you to pass traditions on to your kids. Choose a School That Celebrates Cultural Diversity Your children likely spend just as much time in school as they do with you. Create the best educational experience possible for multiracial children by enrolling them in a school that celebrates cultural diversity. Talk to teachers about the books they keep in the classroom and the general education curriculum. Suggest that teachers keep books in the classroom that feature multiethnic characters. Donate such books to the school if the library lacks them. Talk to teachers about ways to counteract racist bullying in the classroom. Parents can also improve their children’s experience in school by discussing with them the types of challenges they’re likely to face. For example, classmates may ask your child, â€Å"What are you?†Talk to children about the best way to answer such questions. Mixed-race children are also commonly asked if they’re adopted when seen with a parent. There’s a scene in the 1959 film â€Å"Imitation of Life†in which a teacher openly disbelieves that a black woman is the mother to a little girl in her class who looks like she’s completely white. In some instances, a biracial child may appear to be from an entirely different ethnic group than either parent. Many Eurasian children are mistaken for Latino, for example. Prepare your children to deal with the shock classmates and teachers may express upon discovering their racial background. Teach them not to hide who they are in order to fit in with mono-racial students. Live in a Multicultural Neighborhood If you have the means, seek to live in an area where diversity is the norm. The more diverse a city is, the higher the chances that a number of interracial couples and multiethnic children live there. Although living in such an area won’t guarantee that your children never face problems because of their heritage, it lessens the odds that your child will be viewed as an anomaly and your family subjected to rude stares and other bad behavior when out and about.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Good Against Evil Good Man is Hard to Find - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 943 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay Did you like this example? The definition of the word good is something that is morally right. The story of a family on a road trip to Florida, begins with an unnamed grandmother, whose hesitant demeanor, goes unnoticed as they move forward with the getaway. Ironically, a misfit on the loose around their destination, crosses paths with them, ending their trip in tragedy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Good Against Evil Good Man is Hard to Find" essay for you Create order During her final living moments, the grandmother pleads to the misfit that he is a good man. However, her efforts dont save her from the misfitrs malicious actions, killing her without uncertainty. In OConnorrs, A Good Man is Hard to Find, the theme of good vs. evil is explored between the characters of the misfit and the grandmother. The grandmother figure in the short story has a rather aggressive beginning in the first paragraphs. The road trip the family is about to embark on isnt ideal for her, especially with the misfit around the area. However, her character is beginning to show throughout the trip. When the children were commenting on how Tennessee appears to be a dumping ground her response demonstrates how much she values respect when arguing back, In my time, children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else (243). Further along their trip, she seems to correct the childrenrs behavior constantly, as they spew out insulting comments in the car, and at their next stop at a barbecue joint owned by Red Sammy. However, she engages in conversation with the owner, and expresses her idea of what a good man means to her. To her, the definition of a good man, is virtually someone who has a moral and respectful mindset, in response to Red Sammyrs actions, Two fellers come in here last week, driving a Chrysler right to me. It was a old beat-up car but it was a good one and these boys looked right to me. Saif they worked at the mill and you know I let them fellers charge the gas they bought? Now, why did I do that? (OConnor 245). His generosity and kindness falls into the description of a morally good man. However, she does judge his character rather fast, not knowing if hers done anything morally wrong in his life. It doesnt seem like she gets to know whoever she calls good well enough before describing them this way. Once meeting the misfit, the word is thrown to characterize him quickly from grandmother as well. The first mentioning of the misfit didnt give any specific details, only that he escaped prison and was heading towards Florida. Obviously, the grandmother was concerned about heading in that direction with the family, yet they didnt believe there was a slight chance of crossing paths. The misfit carried along their trip, as conversion with Red Sammy progressed on the state of the world. Crimes that he committed in the past, werent discussed between the grandmother, and his mentioning was just used to make conversation. The indication of his history is given when speaking to grandmother. He describes his parental figures, saying Daddy was a card himself. You couldnt put anything over on him. He never got in trouble with the Authorities though. Just had a knack of handling them (OConnor 250). There is an evidently history of crime in his family, having followed in his fatherrs footsteps. An assumption can be made that the misfit grew up morally corrupt in knowing his fatherrs criminal actions. A close relationship between the two is clear since the misfit also is described by his father as a different breed of dog, predicting his son would eventually follow his path. The misfit is lead into a life of evil, hateful crime which is especially shown in the climax of the story. The confrontation between the two characters reveals a complexing analysis of their ideals and beliefs. The misfit has ironically crossed paths with the family, and the interaction with the grandmother was bound to end terribly. Suddenly, since the grandmother senses her fate, her definition of a good man appears to apply to the misfit now. Once she realizes his identity, she reasons with him, crying out, I know youre a good man. You dont look a bit like you have common blood. I know you must come from nice people! (OConnor 249). The misfit is the polar opposite of her previous definition, representing the pure evil due to his criminal actions in his life. Her use of wording when expressing he doesnt have common blood is indication of how shers trying to reason with his actions. Now, a good man comes essentially comes from a person with a lifeline of goodness in their genes. The heavy use of religion shows how evil the misfit actually is. The grandmotherrs religious background presents itself, as she tries to convince the misfit, prayer is the answer to his troubles. Yet, the misfit doesnt believe prayer will get him anywhere or fix his past criminal record. His revelation of why he doesnt want to be saved by God points out the true evil his character represents. The reasoning behind his lack of religious belief is announced when he argues, I found out the crime dont matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man or take a tire off his car, because sooner or later youre going to forget what it was you done and just be punished for it (251). At this point, the misfit has no sense on whatrs right and wrong. He acts on his evil actions of killing, not having enough motive to stop his criminal acts. There is no guilty feeling when pulling the trigger,
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on Media Effects - 975 Words
Media Effects The Effects of Media on the Publics Opinion Mass media - have you ever taken the time to consider two articles about the same thing? Some may be more bias against a group or idea, while others keep a strict, non bias view. The way the media portrays events may change or even corrupt peoples thoughts on certain public matters. This paper will dissect four articles on the Woodstock riots and show the relationships and differences between them. On a Sunday night, near the closing song of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, there were a few bonfires were reported. The firefighters, feeling they were under control, let these bonfires burn. Then Limp Bizkit came on, another hard-core band. In their song Breakstuff, the audience climbed†¦show more content†¦(PG 2 para. 3) his statement helped direct the blame at high prices. In the article They Must Have Run Out of Drugs, the author used a quote by Chris Melnyczenko to help place blame on the disgruntled youth. Melnyczenko said, Theyre dest roying everything. (Pg. 1 para. 7) Another similar quote by an unknown person, Oh man they must of run out of drugs, (page 1 2) struck the author so much that he made it the title. Facts may be different or changed up to help exaggerate the authors or companies view points in the articles, Is Rock n Rage Replacing Rock n Roll? and Woodstock Gets Ugly. In the article, Is Rock n Rage Replacing Rock n Roll? the author spends the majority of his writing comparing the past two Woodstocks to the current one, barely touching on the subject of the riot. The article only stated what happened and the fact that the blame should be placed on the band, Limp Bizkit. The band was said to have urged the audience to break stuff. In the other article, Woodstock Gets Ugly, it is said that placing one hard-core band after another could be a mistake and may be the cause of the riots, or other happening, to be placed on the organizers of the event, the bands or the audience. This shows how the companies or authors views can be bias against certain groups or ideas by placing the blame on a single band, but a non bias paper places the blame all around. The motivation inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Media Effects on Body Image617 Words  | 3 PagesWith the tremendous effect the media has on men womens body image/self-esteem, there are things the media and those being effected can do to limit the impact. The media can change the portrayal of models in magazines, television, billboards, etc. By portraying unrealistic models, studies can conclude that it causes a negative effect on men and women leading to eating disorders, self-esteem problems, and possibly even sometimes more dramatic actions such as suicide (Groesz, Levine, and MurnenRead MoreMedia Effects On The Media Essay1273 Words  | 6 Pagesby the media whether we think we are or not. Theorists believe that too much media exposure can lead to knowledge, attitudes or behavioural changes within a society, this is called â €˜media effects’ (Kuehn, â€Å"Media Effects†). These media effects consists of several Paradigms, a Paradigm is described as â€Å"a typical pattern or model†(Kuehn, â€Å"Media Effects†). The Paradigms this essay will consist of are called the ‘New Effects Paradigm’ and the ‘Powerful Effects Paradigm’. The New Effects ParadigmRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Teens951 Words  | 4 PagesWhat effects does social media have on on teens? After reading the book Mediated by Thomas de Zengotita I had realized the over the too use of social media, by teens today, social media is leading to unhealthy mental and physical side effects. It is important to publicly state these effects in order to alert parents of what is happening to their teen. 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As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news reports disproportionate attention. The most important storiesRead MoreSocial Medi a And Its Effect On Society1648 Words  | 7 Pagesthe past few decades, social media has started to evolve more quickly while pulling in people from all different age groups. Even older adults are joining in on Facebook and Instagram to try and fit in with the new norm social media has created. In a world that is so fast paced, it is difficult to not be pulled into the newest trends, as they are advertised almost everywhere. There are even ways to find a romantic partner with apps and websites. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Greenspan The Man Behind Money Essay - 877 Words
Greenspan: The Man Behind Money In Justin Martins book Greenspan: The Man Behind Money, the life of Dr. Alan Greenspan, a man whose expertise in economics has dramatically influenced the state of the U.S. economy, is told from a historical perspective and in a semi-chronological order. Alan Greenspan grew up in New York Citys Manhattan. After his parents divorced he went to live with his mother and her parents. Greenspans father rarely visited, yet when he did, Greenspan was extremely happy. This detail struck an emotional cord in that it was evident Greenspan strived to succeed not only for himself but also for the approval of his father. Greenspans father was a NY Stock Broker and published a book entitled, Recovery Ahead, a†¦show more content†¦Greenspan began moving away from the benevolent government perspective, toward laissez-faire and limited government. (29). That was the time when Greenspan was taking in as much information as he could, eager to learn and come up with his own theories later. When Greenspan joined Ayn Rands: the objectivists group, it seems like he was influenced by new thought and ideas in general. His meetings with the group allowed him to expand his philosophies and to hear the perspective of those he viewed as intellectuals. Ironically, one of the discussion topics was, The futility and destructiveness of central banks. (42). Ayn Rand was radical in her views, but Greenspan seemed to respect her perspective and defended her over the years, from public criticism. The objectivists held that capitalism was the key to a successful economy. They were strong supporters of a free-market economy and laissez faire-opposing any government intervention. They were particularly against the central bank and during this period, Greenspan wrote several essays, collected in a book called, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal where he critici zed the Federal Reserve, argued for a pure gold standard, and expressed his philosophical objections to antitrust laws. These essays came back to haunt him during his nomination for Chairman of the Federal Reserve, when the Congress questioned him about his past with the objectivists. In Greenspan: TheShow MoreRelatedEssay on Modern American History648 Words  | 3 Pagesthe history of Europe, is wrought with its own heroes and legendary personalities. The three most important span political, economic, and social borders. In its 300 years, the United States has not seen finer heroes than Benjamin Franklin, Alan Greenspan, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Their contributions in politics, regulation of the US economy, and roles in racial diversity, these legends have no precedent. 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The History of Financial Reform in the United States To fully grasp Dodd-Frank, it is important to understand the history behind financial reform in the United States, which began with the National Bank Act of 1864. Prior to 1864, the Federal government had very little involvement in regulating banks (Grossman, 2010). The National Bank Act was intended to create a national
Human Memory Affected By Concussion - 1546 Words
Human Memory Affected by Concussion: A Review of the Literature In the recent years, many scientists have discovered more and more pro athletes in the NFL, NHL and some High School athletes all have links to some type of head injury. Doctors know more today then they did nearly 30 years ago. Most scientists agree that your memory can be affected by some type of head injury. But for some they still ask a few questions: What is a concussion? How long does it take recover? How does a concussion effect short term memory? How does a concussion effect long term memory? What are effects a concussion have on ones memory/intelligence? What are they doing about it? This review of does a concussion stay within someone for the rest of the their†¦show more content†¦It goes on to say â€Å"Computerized and clinical test have detected postural stability deficits at least 3 days after the concussion, but the course of longer term recovery in balance functioning has not been extensively†(JAMA, 2003, p. 2557) It isn t just the JAMA Network saying that it takes this long to recover from a concussion but it all depends on doctors and the one with the concussion to know when its time to comeback. But for some they suffer from Post-Concussion Syndrome and according to the Mayo Clinic â€Å"occurs within a couple days and usually goes aways within three months,though they can persit for a year or more.†But overall it just takes time for someone to recover from a concussion. In addition, to the both the Mayo Clinic and JAMA network saying that a concussion is a serious head injury that can sideline someone for extensive period of time. How does a concussion effect short term memory? When someone gets a concussion for some they usually get the typical side effect a headache, amnesia, fogginess and fatigue. But for most people they struggle with short term memory is a ongoing problem with people that get diagnosed with a concussion an according to Tramatic Brain Injury Survival Guide Dr. Glen Johnson (2010) a Clinical Neuropsychologist. â€Å"There’s some variation in how people define short-term memory. I define it as the ability to remember something after 30 minutes. In a head injury, someone sShow MoreRelatedThe Human Brain Is Made Up Of Soft Tissue846 Words  | 4 PagesThe human brain is made up of soft tissue, cushioned by spinal fluid and encased in the protective shell of the skull. Keeping the brain structure in mind, a concussion is commonly caused by a sudden direct blow or a bump to the head. This causes the brain to jolt inside the skull, further leading to the state of confusion most peopl e wake to. Some may even lose consciousness, or even sustain permanent brain or nerve damage. Since concussions are internal, the behavior of the person must be challengedRead MoreThe Popularity Of Pro Football969 Words  | 4 Pagesmost amazing thing. But as time has caught up with me certain things have made me wonder if it’s worth it. Athletes in the NFL make millions, but they also endure certain life problems, which we, as fans, don’t see, to include injuries such as concussions, ACL tears, financial problems, and quality of life issues after football. In this essay I will give examples of why being a football player is a harder life than what the casual fan may think. A professional football player has some of theRead MoreThe Effects Of Football On The Football1185 Words  | 5 Pagesplayers that they’ve examined and in 79 percent of all football players. The disease is chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE); it’s been widely believed to have formed from repetitive trauma (hits) to the head. This can lead to conditions such as memory loss, depression and dementia (Breslow). Moreover, recent studies have shown that the brain undergoes major trauma and stress as the high contact sport keeps the players in constant collision with each other. As young members of surrounding communitiesRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussions On The Football Field1553 Words  | 7 Pagesgame, it would cost the team playoff contention if they lose. This man is young, rich, and famous, but little does he know that each concussion he gets brings him one step closer to his own grave. Multiple concussions relating to sports leads to early onset Dement ia and CTE, loss of life, changes in how games are played, lawsuits, and even more unsettling concussion facts and statistics. Jessica Firger writes â€Å"In many circumstances--if not most-- frequent blows to the head have effects that may lastRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussions On American Football1295 Words  | 6 PagesConcussions have been known about since the early 1900s. During this time concussions did not receive the attention that it receives now. In mainstream media today concussions are a growing issue, not only in professional sports but also at high school and college levels. It is believed that Dr. Bennet Omalu was the first person to come up with a study and show that concussions are very dangerous and the great effects it has. His focus was mainly towards American football but it was helpful to othersRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Sports1260 Words  | 6 PagesPlaying sports improves one’s overall physical fitness, strengthens social responsibility, contributes to academic success, and builds character values. According to Morgan Rush, during the 2010 and 2011 academic year, t he U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that sports participation records in the United States had reached record levels (Rush, 2014, para. 1). It was recorded that 55 percent of all high students participated in sports (Rush, 2014, para. 1). However, there are many concernsRead MoreFunctions and Structure of Neuroanatomy Essay1547 Words  | 7 Pageswhere information from the outside world is formed, memory centers where information is stored, and the motor centers where the final decision to act is taken. The frontal lobes allow individuals to reflect before responding to events, without this ability there is no way to plan for the future. Cognitive Function Associated with Frontal Lobe Romine and Reynolds (2005) state that frontal lobe functioning plays a central and pervasive role in human cognition, serving to organize and coordinate brainRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussions On Youth And High School Football1461 Words  | 6 Pages Seth Garff Mrs. Holliday: Period 2 1/8/16 The Dangers of Concussions in Youth and High School Football Thesis: Youth and High School football teams are not adequately protected from the danger of concussions and head trauma. Concussions occur on a large scale in football. During a concussion, the head can experience a blow directly or can have whiplash. When the head is hit, the brain hits the inside of the skull, giving it a temporary bruise. This bruise or tearing ofRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Its Effects On Children Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesAmericans get less than five hours of sleep per night. Sleep deprivation often results in depression-like symptoms. Thus we heard suggestions that we should have at least eight hours of sleep a night. In fact, the duration of sleep affected by multiple factors, such as human has different sleep needs at the different age, and according to the Openstax (2014), by the time we are 65 years old, we average fewer than seven hours of sleep per day. For instance, I going to prove that people have less thanRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Traumatic Brain Injury Essay2249 Words  | 9 Pageswell as severe ones. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). About 1.6-3.8 million sports-related concussions occur each year in the United States (What is a Concussion? 2016). The prevalence of acquiring a concussion does vary based on the type of sport and the age of the athlete. According to a study done by Clay et al. (2013), there is definitely a risk in every sport for an individual to receive a concussion. However, some sports may have a higher concussion frequency, but this could
Aztec and Inca Civilizations Free Essays
I think the Aztecs were more impressive, in one of the captions I read that one of their squares was twice as large as the city of Salamanca surrounded by porticoes daily sixty thousand people are buying and selling all kinds of merchandise that the world has to offer embracing the necessaries things of life. In the same square there are some people who constantly go around watching sells and the measures used for sales these people have been known to go around and stop unfair deals or break the measures completely. The men and women who agree to be sacrificed are thrown to their backs, so they can be sacrificed to their gods and without uttering a word and remaining perfectly still while a priest comes over with a stone knife to cut their heart out. We will write a custom essay sample on Aztec and Inca Civilizations or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is one of the things as to why I think the Aztecs were more impressive because of the discipline they had, even when they are having their heart cut out while they are still alive. The boys and girls were brought up differently with a few similarities. The differences for boys were they were expected to have more responsibilities such as growing to become fierce some brave and warriors, fishermen, farmers and craftsmen, like their fathers. The daughters were expected to follow their mothers and work indoors managing the house and raise the children. Something similar both boys and girls had in common was they were taught their responsibilities from a very young age, they were also expected to go to school for at least a little time between the ages ten and twenty, the school the rich or the gifted were able to attend was called calmecac, there was another school that most of the population attended who were not rich or considered gifted, which was called tepochcalli. Their (was little difference) in (Aztec religion and civil society. The tlacatecuhtli or â€Å"chief of men†controlled all the religious ceremonies) who (was also the military leader under the tlacatecuhtli were several religious and other offices which included military generals. Priests and priestesses were very important in society they acted as) scientists (and) doctors, and (taught science, art, music, dance, history, and counting. They also knew astronomy and astrology. They had to perform) very (difficult ceremonies). (Religion played an important part in Aztecs lives and was very complicated because they adopted many of the) aspects of the (people they conquered. They had three dominate gods: Huitzilopochtli, (â€Å"Hummingbird wizard†the native and) the (chief god of the tenochca, Huitzilopochtli was the war and sun god), Tezcatlipoca (â€Å"smoking mirror†chief god of the Aztecs in general) and Quetzalcoatl (â€Å"sovereign plumed serpent†widely worshipped throughout Mesoamerica and the god of civilization, priesthood and learning). Below these three gods were four creating gods who kept themselves from the human world. Under these were a large number of other gods, the most important) was (tlaloc, the rain god); chalihuitlicue, (the god of growth and Xipe, the â€Å"flayed one†a god connected with spring. The Aztecs worshipped about) one thousand (gods, but the sun god was the most important. Religious ceremonies were held in a temple called a teocalli. The temples had pools for ceremonial cleansing, gardens, living quarters for a priest, and racks to hold the skulls of victims. The most prominent part of Aztec religious life was the role of human sacrifice. It was practiced in all of Mesoamerica but the) tenochca (used sacrifice on a grand scale. We don’t know a great deal about the details, but we can successfully reconstruct its character and justification with a high level of accuracy). How to cite Aztec and Inca Civilizations, Papers
MBA sem 1 free essay sample
Parts of vision statement 1. The core values are those things very close to your heart that you will not give up at any cost. It can be integrity (for example, I will never cheat on the taxes I have to pay) or quality (I will never use a lower quality wood), etc. Usually we say that you should have only 4 to 6 core values. Of course, personal values and business values may differ. For example, love may be a very important personal value but it may not be so relevant in your business of furniture though it can be relevant if you were having a home for the aged. 2. Core purpose is the purpose of the organization, for example, to make furniture. This is something that you want to achieve within the framework of our core values. It gives the achievement orientation to the business and therefore the focus. When we get an opportunity to expand or sell off and if we are in a decision dilemma, this acts as another light house. we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees thats proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on [emailprotected] web- www.aapkiseva.blogspot.in www.assignmenthelpforall.blogspot.in (b) Differentiate between ‘process’ and ‘tasks’ (Parts of vision statement, Difference between process and tasks) Answer: Processes Process is a set of logical activities that lead to some final or interim output. For example, taking pieces of wood, making it smooth, cutting it, making grooves, connecting them, finishing them, and polishing them are processes to create a table. These have to be done in some logical sequence. This is what a process is. Let us now look at we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees thats proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on [emailprotected] web- www.aapkiseva.blogspot.in www.assignmenthelpforall.blogspot.in Q2. Planning is called as the cornerstone of management. Define planning and describe the importance of planning. Explain the types of planning. (Definition of planning, Importance of planning, Types of planning) 2,3,5 Answer: Definition and Importance of Planning Planning can be defined as a basic management function which enables one to select the purpose of the business, and how the resources should be mustered to achieve that purpose to include using the available resources optimally to do that. Planning implies goal setting for the organization keeping in mind the constraints, opportunities, and threats as much as what the person or business which is planning wants to do. Thus, a plan is a blueprint for goal achievement, a blue print that specifies the necessary resource allocations, schedules, tasks, and other actions to achieve the purpose. A goal is a desired future state that the organization attempts to reach. Goals are important because an organization exists for a purpose, and goals define and state that purpose. Goals specify future ends; plans we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees thats proof we are not fake. and we hav e different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on [emailprotected] web- www.aapkiseva.blogspot.in www.assignmenthelpforall.blogspot.in Q3. What is meant by ‘span of control’? Differentiate between narrow span of control and wide span of control. What are the factors that influence the span of control? (Meaning of ‘span of control’ ,Difference between narrow span of control and wide span of control, Factors that influence the span of control) 2,3,5 Answer: Span of control The number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor can directly control. This number varies with the type of work: complex, variable work reduces it to six, whereas routine, fixed work increases it to twenty or more. we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees thats proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on [emailprotected] web- www.aapkiseva.blogspot.in www.assignmenthelpforall.blogspot.in Q4 Define Organizational behavior. What are the various approaches to Organizational behavior? (Definition of OB, Approaches to OB) 2, 8 Answer: Definition of OB: OB can be defined as a systematic study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups and organizational factors on productivity to include effectiveness and efficiency, absentee, turnover, organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction. ï‚ · By systematic study we mean looking at relationships and attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence. ï‚ · By productivity we mean a performance measure that includes both effectiveness (achievement of goals) and efficiency (ratio on output versus input required to achieve it). ï‚ · By absenteeism we mean failure to report to work especially without informing. ï‚ · we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignm ent in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees thats proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or ï‚ · mail us on [emailprotected] ï‚ · web- www.aapkiseva.blogspot.in ï‚ · www.assignmenthelpforall.blogspot.in a whole is to function effectively. Q5. Perception is the way we see and interpret things. Explain the importance of such ‘perception’. What are the factors affecting perception? (Importance of perception, Factors affecting perception) 4,6 Answer: Importance of perception Perception is perhaps the most important aspect of OB that we use in our daily life and in management. The importance of perception is: ï‚ · While creating vision for an organization, our perception of the future and the way things should be is a deciding factor. ï‚ · While making strategy, out perception of the opportunities and threats make us see the same situation differently. ï‚ · Perception gives the impetus to seek more information to make more rational decisions e.g., the perception of Rakhi on the situation of the bakery in trouble, made her travel and talk to the employees to gain more information. If she had perceived what the manager did was right or that it is too small a thing to intervene, she would not have made the effort to find out more information. ï‚ · we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees thats proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignm ent for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or ï‚ · mail us on [emailprotected] ï‚ · web- www.aapkiseva.blogspot.in ï‚ · www.assignmenthelpforall.blogspot.in Q6. Give the definition and importance of ‘motivation’. Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. (Definition of motivation, Importance of motivation, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory) 2,3,5 Answer: Definition and Importance of Motivation Motivation is â€Å"the process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.†(Robbins, 2003) Intensity is concerned with how hard a person tries. This is the element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation. Directionis the orientation that benefits the organization. And persistence is a measure of how long a person can maintain his/her effort. Motivated individuals stay with a task long enough to achieve their goal. Motivation is important to an individual because: ï‚ · Motivation helps to achieve personal goals. ï‚ · Motivation gives job satisfaction. ï‚ · Motivation helps in self-development of individual. ï‚ · An individual would always gain by working with a dynamic team. Collins, James C. and Jerry I. Porras. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. First Paperback Edition. New York: Harper-Collins, 1997. 219-239.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Fatigue Effects Acute Placement Shift Work â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Fatigue Effects Acute Placement Shift Work? Answer: Introducation The number of nurses in the hospitals and nursing homes are not in harmony with the patient ratio. As a result the work pressure gets transported over to the shoulders of the diploma students in the nursing care. The scenario is worse in the Acute placement unit. This long working hours and that too in shift generates fatigue among these diploma students who are new in this practical field (Yoder, 2010). The study also showed that fatigue makes them feel coerced into working. The diploma students are not aware of the kind of hard work prevalent in the acute placement care and such training gives them the scenario of the harsh reality, which make them feel more fatigue. According to Wei, Chen, Li, Chen Chen (2015), nurses (diploma students) who have to work for the night shift, creates the risks of additional fatigue and they tend to commit medical mistakes. The guilt of making mistakes increases stress; the stress further brings fatigue and dissatisfaction among the nurses. The scen ario gets worse for the nurses, who are recruited for the night duty and immediately on the next day, their roaster change into day hours duty. The loss of sleep causes drowsiness and the outcome is fatigue (Albers, Francke, de Veer, Bilsen Onwuteaka-Philipsen, 2014). Sometimes the cognitive behavioral problems are seen and they fail to focus on their duty, hampering patient- nurse relationship. Wu, Chi, Chen, Wang Jin, (2010) defined that the occupational stress affects the physiological as well as psychological state. The nurses are forced to work extra hours, their mental health gets damaged and they fail to focus on their functions and productivity decreases (Xie, Wang Chen, 2011). Methodology and data collection For the research work, the researcher will use the deductive approach with the interpretivism philosophy along with descriptive design is appropriate. For the data analysis, contextual data analysis along with the interview- questionnaire method will be used. 10 diploma students in nursing in acute placement will be chosen for the survey (random-stratified sampling). Ethics Approval It is the duty of the researcher to maintain the Data Protection Act (1998) while conducting the research. However, in the research study, the researcher will maintain the rules of the ethical consideration to avoid the legal issues. Before conducting the research, the researcher will obtain approval from the institutional committee and the hospital where the diploma nurses are attaining the training. The researcher will try to avoid the biasness so that the errors can be reduced and stored the data of the participants in a safe place. The researcher will only use the data for the research purpose and will strictly avoid the personal or emotional questions that can hurt the participants. Moreover, the researcher will not force the participants to take part in the research study the interested participants will be selected only after providing the dully-signed consent. Research Schedule Main activities/ stages Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Data collection from secondary sources Creating layout Literature review Formation of the research Plan Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques Primary data collection Analysis Interpretation of Data Collection Findings of the Data Conclusion of the Study Formation of Rough Draft Submission of Final Work Validation, Reliability Nurses have a key contribution in patients overall wellbeing. The acute placement unit in the hospital demands strict nursing surveillance along with holistic care to the patients. However, fatigue arising out of the shift work can cast a significant impact on the well-being of the patient. The current study attempts to validate the how fatigue actually affects the well-being of the patient in the acute placement unit and the factors responsible for the generation of fatigue apart from shift work. The reliability of the data, obtained via survey questionnaire will be verified via citing references to previous research work. Data analysis The data analysis will be done via review of the literature along with qualitative analysis of the data obtained via open-ended question. Barriers to Research The sample size taken for this research is small and hence there lies a chance of bias responses, which may interfere with data analysis, leading to erroneous result. The researcher will try to limit the degree of biasness. The researcher has limited budget and time and these two factors will limit the overall scope and area of the research. The researcher also could not access adequate articles and journals, which needs to be cited due to the lack of adequate tome. Moreover, researcher failed to increase the sample size due to the lack of the proper funding. Therefore, in cumulative effect of the limited budget and time is, the researcher could not implement more relevant information in the research work. Moreover, in the all of the reviewed papers, articles, journals, newspaper articles and media content, there is no first-hand information that can challenge the reliability of the situation. So the research remain one sided as the researcher is unable to site counter active data to validate the findings. Sharing of research findings The current study identifies the factors contributing to the generation of fatigue among the diploma students of nursing who work in shifts in the acute placement unit of the hospital. The research findings would ultimately improve the quality of health care services and will serve as the secondary data for further research. References Albers, G., Francke, A. L., de Veer, A. J., Bilsen, J., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D. (2014). Attitudes of nursing staff towards involvement in medical end-of-life decisions: a national survey study.Patient education and counseling,vol. 94(1), pp. 4-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2013.09.018 Wei, Y. P., Li, H., Chen, P., Li, J., Chen, H., Chen, L. L. (2015). Working experiences of nursing aides in nursing homes: A qualitative study.International Journal of Nursing Sciences,vol. 2(4), pp. 371-377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnss.2015.10.006 Wu, H., Chi, T. S., Chen, L. I., Wang, L., Jin, Y. P. (2010). Occupational stress among hospital nurses: cross?sectional survey.Journal of advanced nursing,vol. 66(3), pp. 627-634. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05203.x Xie, Z., Wang, A., Chen, B. (2011). Nurse burnout and its association with occupational stress in a cross?sectional study in Shanghai.Journal of advanced nursing,vol. 67(7), pp. DOI 1537-1546. 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05576.x Yoder, E. A. (2010). Compassion fatigue in nurses.Applied Nursing Resea, vol. 23(4), pp. 191-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2008.09.003
Moon Essay Thesis Example For Students
Moon Essay Thesis The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth: orbit: 384,400 km from Earthdiameter: 3476 km mass: 7.35e22 kg Called Luna by the Romans, Selene and Artemisby the Greeks, and many other names in other mythologies. The Moon, of course,has been known since prehistoric times. It is the second brightest object in thesky after the Sun. As the Moon orbits around the Earth once per month, the anglebetween the Earth, the Moon and the Sun changes; we see this as the cycle of theMoons phases. The time between successive new moons is 29.5 days (709 hours),slightly different from the Moons orbital period (measured against the stars)since the Earth moves a significant distance in its orbit around the Sun in thattime. Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as aterrestrial planet along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. TheMoon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. It is the onlyextraterrestrial body to have been visited by humans. The first landin g was onJuly 20, 1969 (do you remember where you were?); the last was in December 1972. The Moon is also the only body from which samples have been returned to Earth. In the summer of 1994, the Moon was very extensively mapped by the littlespacecraft Clementine and again in 1999 by Lunar Prospector. The gravitationalforces between the Earth and the Moon cause some interesting effects. The mostobvious is the tides. The Moons gravitational attraction is stronger on theside of the Earth nearest to the Moon and weaker on the opposite side. Since theEarth, and particularly the oceans, is not perfectly rigid it is stretched outalong the line toward the Moon. From our perspective on the Earths surface wesee two small bulges, one in the direction of the Moon and one directlyopposite. The effect is much stronger in the ocean water than in the solid crustso the water bulges are higher. And because the Earth rotates much faster thanthe Moon moves in its orbit, the bulges move around the Earth about once a daygiving two high tides per day. But the Earth is not completely fluid, either. The Earths rotation carries the Earths bulges get slightly ahead of the pointdirectly beneath the Moon. This means that the force between the Earth and theMoon is not exactly along the line between their centers producing a torque onthe Earth and an accelerating force on the Moon. This causes a net transfer ofrotational energy from the Earth to the Moon, slowing down the Earths rotationby about 1.5 milliseconds/century and raising the Moon into a higher orbit byabout 3.8 centimeters per year. (The opposite effect happens to satellites withunusual orbits such as Phobos and Triton). The asymmetric nature of thisgravitational interaction is also responsible for the fact that the Moon rotatessynchronously, i.e. it is locked in phase with its orbit so that the same sideis always facing toward the Earth. Just as the Earths rotation is now beingslowed by the Moons influence so in the distant past the Moons rotation wasslowed by the action of the Earth, but in that case the effect was muchst ronger. When the Moons rotation rate was slowed to match its orbital period(such that the bulge always faced toward the Earth) there was no longer anoff-center torque on the Moon and a stable situation was achieved. The samething has happened to most of the other satellites in the solar system. .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a , .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .postImageUrl , .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a , .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:hover , .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:visited , .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:active { border:0!important; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:active , .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua8df4f0a3654df7fa83872cfcb87e65a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Media Violence EssayEventually, the Earths rotation will be slowed to match the Moons period, too,as is the case with Pluto and Charon. Actually, the Moon appears to wobble a bit(due to its slightly non-circular orbit) so that a few degrees of the far sidecan be seen from time to time, but the majority of the far side (left) wascompletely unknown until the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 photographed it in 1959. (Note: there is no dark side of the Moon; all parts of the Moon getsunlight half the time. Some uses of the term dark side in the pastmay have referred to the far side as dark in the sense ofunknown (eg darkest Africa; but even that meaning is no longervalid today!) The Moon has no atmosphere. But evidence from Clementine suggestedthat there may be water ice in some deep craters near the
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