Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Fatigue Effects Acute Placement Shift Work â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Fatigue Effects Acute Placement Shift Work? Answer: Introducation The number of nurses in the hospitals and nursing homes are not in harmony with the patient ratio. As a result the work pressure gets transported over to the shoulders of the diploma students in the nursing care. The scenario is worse in the Acute placement unit. This long working hours and that too in shift generates fatigue among these diploma students who are new in this practical field (Yoder, 2010). The study also showed that fatigue makes them feel coerced into working. The diploma students are not aware of the kind of hard work prevalent in the acute placement care and such training gives them the scenario of the harsh reality, which make them feel more fatigue. According to Wei, Chen, Li, Chen Chen (2015), nurses (diploma students) who have to work for the night shift, creates the risks of additional fatigue and they tend to commit medical mistakes. The guilt of making mistakes increases stress; the stress further brings fatigue and dissatisfaction among the nurses. The scen ario gets worse for the nurses, who are recruited for the night duty and immediately on the next day, their roaster change into day hours duty. The loss of sleep causes drowsiness and the outcome is fatigue (Albers, Francke, de Veer, Bilsen Onwuteaka-Philipsen, 2014). Sometimes the cognitive behavioral problems are seen and they fail to focus on their duty, hampering patient- nurse relationship. Wu, Chi, Chen, Wang Jin, (2010) defined that the occupational stress affects the physiological as well as psychological state. The nurses are forced to work extra hours, their mental health gets damaged and they fail to focus on their functions and productivity decreases (Xie, Wang Chen, 2011). Methodology and data collection For the research work, the researcher will use the deductive approach with the interpretivism philosophy along with descriptive design is appropriate. For the data analysis, contextual data analysis along with the interview- questionnaire method will be used. 10 diploma students in nursing in acute placement will be chosen for the survey (random-stratified sampling). Ethics Approval It is the duty of the researcher to maintain the Data Protection Act (1998) while conducting the research. However, in the research study, the researcher will maintain the rules of the ethical consideration to avoid the legal issues. Before conducting the research, the researcher will obtain approval from the institutional committee and the hospital where the diploma nurses are attaining the training. The researcher will try to avoid the biasness so that the errors can be reduced and stored the data of the participants in a safe place. The researcher will only use the data for the research purpose and will strictly avoid the personal or emotional questions that can hurt the participants. Moreover, the researcher will not force the participants to take part in the research study the interested participants will be selected only after providing the dully-signed consent. Research Schedule Main activities/ stages Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Data collection from secondary sources Creating layout Literature review Formation of the research Plan Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques Primary data collection Analysis Interpretation of Data Collection Findings of the Data Conclusion of the Study Formation of Rough Draft Submission of Final Work Validation, Reliability Nurses have a key contribution in patients overall wellbeing. The acute placement unit in the hospital demands strict nursing surveillance along with holistic care to the patients. However, fatigue arising out of the shift work can cast a significant impact on the well-being of the patient. The current study attempts to validate the how fatigue actually affects the well-being of the patient in the acute placement unit and the factors responsible for the generation of fatigue apart from shift work. The reliability of the data, obtained via survey questionnaire will be verified via citing references to previous research work. Data analysis The data analysis will be done via review of the literature along with qualitative analysis of the data obtained via open-ended question. Barriers to Research The sample size taken for this research is small and hence there lies a chance of bias responses, which may interfere with data analysis, leading to erroneous result. The researcher will try to limit the degree of biasness. The researcher has limited budget and time and these two factors will limit the overall scope and area of the research. The researcher also could not access adequate articles and journals, which needs to be cited due to the lack of adequate tome. Moreover, researcher failed to increase the sample size due to the lack of the proper funding. Therefore, in cumulative effect of the limited budget and time is, the researcher could not implement more relevant information in the research work. Moreover, in the all of the reviewed papers, articles, journals, newspaper articles and media content, there is no first-hand information that can challenge the reliability of the situation. So the research remain one sided as the researcher is unable to site counter active data to validate the findings. Sharing of research findings The current study identifies the factors contributing to the generation of fatigue among the diploma students of nursing who work in shifts in the acute placement unit of the hospital. The research findings would ultimately improve the quality of health care services and will serve as the secondary data for further research. References Albers, G., Francke, A. L., de Veer, A. J., Bilsen, J., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D. (2014). Attitudes of nursing staff towards involvement in medical end-of-life decisions: a national survey study.Patient education and counseling,vol. 94(1), pp. 4-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2013.09.018 Wei, Y. P., Li, H., Chen, P., Li, J., Chen, H., Chen, L. L. (2015). Working experiences of nursing aides in nursing homes: A qualitative study.International Journal of Nursing Sciences,vol. 2(4), pp. 371-377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnss.2015.10.006 Wu, H., Chi, T. S., Chen, L. I., Wang, L., Jin, Y. P. (2010). Occupational stress among hospital nurses: cross?sectional survey.Journal of advanced nursing,vol. 66(3), pp. 627-634. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05203.x Xie, Z., Wang, A., Chen, B. (2011). Nurse burnout and its association with occupational stress in a cross?sectional study in Shanghai.Journal of advanced nursing,vol. 67(7), pp. DOI 1537-1546. 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05576.x Yoder, E. A. (2010). Compassion fatigue in nurses.Applied Nursing Resea, vol. 23(4), pp. 191-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2008.09.003
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